Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. _maine ttrength).from him. Thereforehe muR confider, and asked, preuide.w~at he feechnecc.ffary for her~~ and what may be afteraChrdlu•nfort delightfull vnto her~ and pretient herwith the gift. Eue1t as afather, that loues his child;will not tarry till thechild comeandbeg apparell, or meate,but bedothcafl before_hand how to helpehirn; an~ vnre'luefied,giues him things that be needfull: much more then·n1u£l hce doe thus to his wife, which is theone part of himfelfe, andneerer, and lhould be alfo·dearer vnto him then any other. A fccond worke, wherin thisdue beneuolence mull fhew it.felfe,is;in giuing her due imploiment; he mu·fl marke and obferue the·giftsofwii(f_ome,and gouernment,or what euer elfeGod hathgraced .her with, that hee may fet them oil'. wor-ke, and imploy them.Andherebyhe fhall fuew his loue vntohcr,and the confidence he puts in her. For, it is faid of agoodvvifcin theProuerbs 31. that thehe~rtofher bus!Jana · truffs-inher. And this is ameanesalfo to keepeherfratn dif- ~eh an~ couugemenc·,and idlenefle: and befides it will turne to the m~5y ~=fl great f?ood and. proficofthe~amilie. . _ . . ~~f~fr~~ · W-hJch reproues_the prathfe ofmany foohffi husbands,.idlenetfe• . that be bufie bodies, ana will haue all come throllgh t~ei~ .0wnehand; and ~hen indeed nothing·goes .well through a– ' . , nyhand,becaufeofthis difordered confufion: As, ifthe P'i.. lot would both hold the Herne,andhoyfe vp the fayle, and _, bee·vpon the h'at,hes, ;1nd labour at thepumpcJ and do~ ·a-IL ._, · ~i't:nfclfe; it muff needs g·o ill with' the!hip ·: euen fo, in the ... , . fam'ilie,whcn the husband cakerh all vponhimfelfe, it is the next way tooueithrow_ ~ 11. Therefore thofc gifts that c ·od ... bathgiuen rhe wife:, thehusband-mull fee them put to the - · be!tvtle:·a!ldthen fhee lh3lr be a fellowhelper to hitn:, and·, l>rifl'gab\t1l'i 11g'\rprii~:the familyby lrer'labour.And fo much , for ·the ~auti'e s 'of:htisoa11d and wife : which I doe not fo , ' .. . .. fpe~R:e of,; a$ ·thdtrgh it were in thepower or nature ofany · · ttiari :or woman·,to perfor·me them: n-a:y;by nature, we beall ~ inclined to the contrary, The·vvife is·naturally difob.edient an cl Gubborne,.prone to conte,nlneanddcfpifeher busband:- · and he isteady eitherto . ee out ofhcr company; without caufe •~ . . ,_