Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

• caufe;orJ?eingwith her,to be light and,Joolit]l,oreJfefowre, and churlifh;~qd hel" hu:rt by.his ~~ample; { and~makc her worfe,rath:~r''th ofcheni are deHitin~ ofall true& fpirituaUoue,Qn~ ~Qft~eother.But God·thewes thcfedutics--in his Worp, eo the,en.d, th:atwe feein.gour finS~ and our weaknfs,might bew.a~le:our wants1befoieG,~d;and~ befeechhim that requires thefethings ,at our .hands,towork· thefe graces inour harts: and .as he harh giuen vs ihefegood Commandcments, fo to giue vs good ·hearts to --keepe the Comm.3ncdemcnts. But;ifany be fo blindand fo vnac;quain– ted with thewickednefJc ofhis owneheart, ~s that hedrea– methQf fome Hrength in himfclfe, .to doe thefe_ du~i~s\ :it is .certaine,he neuer did pcrforme any ofthem in t.ruth>n01:fual tucr, till hedo lament.his w~nts with vnfaine9 griefc before God, and delir~ him to make .hirn obedient, afwell as to .giue him ac_harg~ofobedience. And thus m~ch for·ptitJ~to pe.rfoos; as namely parents ap}i-chi~dren i mallers .andJer•. .uants,husband and wife. Nowfoli~w the duties. belo.ngi-t}g to publike perfoqs; as alfowhatth~y ~Chu~ch, or- _ : ought to perfonne to fufh as arecomtt... . . . .. ' tcd to their charge, whic~ are ~ither in Commc:m.. wealrh. I eh h {MiniHer~I ' C"' ,. -· r··h . ~MaoHifatc. n urc ,as p ·. 1 n omonwea t . ,as S bt?· .a. eop e , . . u le"-''• Duties eo· Now the duties of theMini(ler at~d people,are,eithereom., , monto monor fpcciall. The common duties, whichmutually be.. Minifters I h b h fc . h d : - and peoong tot em ot ,are, to pray one or enot er, an to gtue plc. thankesonefor anothcr.That the Minifier ought to prayfor ~~~~~~;~;.the people,theexampleanp pracbfc ofPt~u/,for thePhi.Cql• a.Tdhcf.a.:z. The[. doth declare .: for whorn he gaue thankes to God, and :~Th;f.\~j. prayed day and night for their e.ncreafe inall good graces. ••.· ·n. Hereby thcn;Minifters mu£Hearnetopray toGod infecrct, ~~~·P;;; for the flocke.committed to their charge, that -G.od would in_rc~fic~ pardon all their finnes,and heale their uatures, andmakehis ~~a b:~s do6hinc efte4~a,ll to \\'orke grace in their hearts. And then, }~;t,~tf-11 ifGod haue heard his pr~yer, and bldfcd his preaching, to.. · ·fings be c;onuenthfh~art~ ofhi~ .people, and to faue thc'trfoules, .h~ flow~~ ~p- muft not let this.{lip, but markc and obferuc, and r-eturne · ;;~P~~:t .thankes to God for ir. So J 1 .Satn~x:z. ..i 3. the .people bring · · -- - · · · tcnified ·• .. J