Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

l _ terriliedwith the extraordinary thunder(bting then a f!1ani .. . f<:A token ofGods difpleafureagainfhhem) :111d feeing their fins,came to the Pro-phet Stlm. an-d <lefire him ·eo pray ·for them: hisanfv\'C~e is,.God for/Jid th.1t 1foort!dfin againff G.d,. 11nd ceafopra]ing foryou: fl1ewing that it is agreat fin againll God in -the Minifier, if he benot fi·equent in prayer fer hi~ _ people.So thar,though the Minific;r lludydiligendy,preaGh : painfully,and walke rcligio.uOy in all. good confcience: yet ifhe pray not to·G,od, and befeeeh h1mearnefily to amend their faillts,and to conuert their foules, ·and do not aJfo giue thank~s, when he perceiueth any good .thing wrought in them,&-pray for the continuance-and increafe ofir, he doth finagaintl God, and fa~Ie in.a fpeciall dury tfuat he o\-ves to· his charge..For,all planting.and watering is it) vain~, .v_nle{fe.f.Cor. 3 .1•· Go.d giuc the increafe.Andhow can he expect any bleffing· · pfGod;Vnldfehcdo,both ofien, andearnefHy feckc for it, and re.nder moll: har.ty thai1kesf<:>dt)as he finds it granted? . And.likewife, that it belongs·tO the people to prny to People God for their MmWer, it is plaine, Hebr. I~. 18. vvhere,chis frnunl P!3Y - · - -' or t ICU commandement is giuen; Pra_r for vs :for_ weareajJured thl~~ MiuiHcr•.. we/{aH,e)tg~od crmfcience, &c. Ang Paul to Phl!emsnfaith, · that he bop.e~ · through· theit prayer~ eo_ be giuenvnco them. And 2• .Thef. 3 .1. hee wils t-hem topray ·for him, ·that the ·Wo-Hlofcht Lord might haue free pafEtge, and that hc.may bee -ddi.u~redJromvnrcafonable ·men ::tt.Tim.z, I. hee wils th_at pr~y(f.S · · b;e,~made for ~H inauthotity; that as God bath . fee them ; ~Ju~,r. v,.s'as-:-gouernours, fo hcz wouldgouerne their , hearts,.~n·d- ordcr 'their proceeding aright. This reproues thofe people that a long time haucr·lioed · , vrider ~ minifierie; but all that fpace cannot fay that they·· haue once offeted vp a true at1d heart,ic prayer to God for · their Paf\or, ,that h~ rnight be fi1rnHljcd with gifces .for the · difcharge offo great and waighty an office, ~nd haueneuer mader.cqt.Jefi toGod inhis.hchalfe,to open to him thedoore ofvtterance,.that he might diuide the Wordoftruth-arJght; · t.o.bee with his me.dit~tions, ~nd direCl his tongue, that bee might fp.eake. to their co~fciences, and for their edifying. And ag~me; .1f·at any .ume God .bath p~wred downe ,.. . . -~ -- JlllOl'C .: