L OlrR'fJ'Jtl'14Jtlelr!Jti'll • more pientifull grace vpan their Minifier, that he bathbeen better Hirred vp to teach them, and hath fpokenwith more power and zcale then ordinarie, more earneHly reproouing their fins, and exhorcing them to repeGtance; yet they take .it but as an ordinane thitig, and let it paff'e without anyno. · tice, as though it were not any mercie ofGod to ·them to prepare the MiniHers mouth to fpeake to their confcience• .And becaufe they'be thus flackeindeliring,and oegligentin ·thankfgiuing for.fo greatafauour, God dothiuHly depriue · th;m ofa great part ofthe bleffing, becaufe they haue care. · leOyomitted fo great part oftheir duty.So,for the Minilters ·ofthe Word,many there be that can fay ,they haue preached many Sermons,and deliu~red many doCtrines and admoni– tions to their people; but who ofmany can (ay,as Ier.t3.t7. ·c.JJ{yflHle /hAll weep: foryou in fecret! Ifpublike preaching cannot preuaile, I will trie what priuate weeping can doe: and ifl cannot mouethem (by fpeaking to them)toamend, ,J will n1oue God with many teares in fecret to conuert them. And 'thus much for thecommonduties ofboth. The particular follow. And firfl ofthe people. The pe~ The firfi thing that the peoplemuA: performe to their Mi. plemuftc nHler,is to hawe him in reuerent account & eflimation. And reueren e . • thcir.Miai· this is cotnmanded I .Theff.;.i z. where the ApoHic gtUes lcrs. this charge; NfJ'W I hefotch JON !Jrethrtn, f<zzgw them that l~tiloHr amongyou,ana thllt are o11er JDN in the Lsrd>anaadmonifh JDH,tht~tJDU ha11e them infingular /fJ11e for theirWlr~eJ'fok§. As ifhe had faid,I fpcaknot this fo much for the MiniHers fake, (for whether you loue him,or account afhimor not,fo long as God accounts and efieemes highly of him, bee is well) but I defireyou,euen for your ownegood,that thofe faith– full men, towhom God hath giuen the fpirit of grace and vvifedome,and whoGodhaeh fet to vvatch ouer your foules, mayno.t hee forgotten and negle&ed among you,buc ta~e knowledge of them, and obferue them and that for thctt workes fake; for in truth they ofall men deferue moll to be regarded and accounted of, in refp.eet ofthe profit thatth~y bring, and the worke that they performe. Which hovvfo- · euer it fcerne not OlJtwardly-focommodious, yet inwardly - "