• it.is pretious, and ngs -vnfpcakahle -peace.vnto the foul.e.• Por yntb them ·is- com·t.nitted the word of re.cot1ciliadon and life, ~nd they are n1ade difpofcrs of~the treafurtts ·of · God,that bring comfort and reioycing to the heart. Ift!hcn 2:Cor.J·'' theyb~meancs tocom,munic~te all · h~eauenly and fpirituall graces vnto loQ1 ifth~y helpe you to hea-uen,if they purge tbc· foul·e;a~d buitd· ~p i~ faich,ifthey beat·downe fimle~and ouertbrow· the power of Sathan in you; 011ght you not t(}. louc them;and that for their wo rk,and your profitsfake?But many there be that ma~eno fuch account of:him,andwhy-?; becaufe theyfede:no .fi,c'h-needeofh!ni;:they . fe~- 1nonecef..: firie ofhis labour, 0ut that they may wdl fpare him,they c.att~ fee nogood hedoeth. And no wonder they can fee .none,· to whomnorhing fee~es good, but that which fcruettheir ildh. For,as they account ofhhn/<? theyprofit.b.y-hi.m: a~d -· i~{Ht isftomGod, that a~ theydefpife hi&~i11iller, fo .God _ fhou1d defpife them, -and make ·the.m:fr'ui'tldfc: hearersof that word,which in better tnindrs, wants not amofl excel- · lent fruir, according as Chrill hath faid, Hee that defPtftth. ji!H>rlefPifeth me: _ ~nd'he.t~at defPife~hmcc, defpifetb him thtlt -fllit me., lf~hey- oefpife· Go'd~ how C~ll :theyrcuerettce: ihe ' . fG d . . · . ..... ·man·O' ~o ? .';''.. . ·.· .-: · .. · , : ~ -: .. ·' .. ;. ;_' . 'f ' ) · 'And hence·itis;that young and vaine p.crfons, in·many.:AfpeciaD . . • . reafon why places,are growne to that height ofimpudenci.eandfhame- fo me yf•nu lefi1etfe:,_ in ·~nnif1g, and fia~Hii~1g · ~0t fi.. nn~, ·as :they.·dare fet mem growo :L , t"· }t •. . . ..• ·tJ. ' h· M' •~t' b'f G . d d fc h . fllaroeklfe t-uem~le d,es agatn l 't• C . !O!u~r •-'> ·,,an_. oppo. C ' t Clr to withthd Hfe,ofputpofey:~gain~ltne dodPHle; and fland as Hifrely for· .t~eir Mi. h ' d'l1... o'i\.n ' . fG ' d .c· "d·h' b.. 1 f h~ 1 · h nJfien. · t e HnOm..iUrlng o <> · , ~o~ll 't e •rcac 1.o t 1s aw·, a·s ee . tan fland for;hi·s-law: "''hofelife is nothing hut a difgradng of. the MiniHede. F~r, it1-publike view of the world; they gairle·4ay ·tha~. bypraClife_>\1\'·hich ~.vas taught publikdy: and (~et~w.hile th~ ·reprofe is yetfrc01,andfcarcdy ende.d, ihen; · in·the·heat'e·ofcf.1eirraging Jufl; they fall to that which was forbidden byGodja-ndbyhis Min.i'Her reprooued.But how · co:nes foolilhyo~th to be thus,impudenr, ·but_thatthc.y:ate ammat~d by (the:froward rxainplt! of ehlcr.perfons? .A.s : thofe your>"g ·Chil;dren tlni ·m-ocked Eft/ha the Propher,.2.Kin. 2·'-l how could they fpeakc fo bafely,and· fo coritemptuoufly . · Q_ · of