the reuerend manofGod,bulithat tneyHa,dvfuallyheard fuch things at home by their' gouernoW's,and mull n~ede-t Ytter them· wh~1 they come abroadc? But ·was not this their boldneffe met with? did not God pay. ~them · home tho:ugh·they w,ere but children? Two Beare~ cam~out 0frth~ woa·d,and Hew. 40~ofthem. · For, whe.a .~hey dare pr.of,~ffc themfelues to beaduerfaries to the .manofGod,and to · th~ law ofGod, they mull needes faile in all other duties: de.. fpifing the perfon, they mull needes negleCt the doCtrine;: andnot re~eiuing. the preacher, they cannot take good by his preaching. The.MiniHcro.fGod then·ought-.tohc eflee.. med,not according to .his-.. coats-andwealth, but ~o theGngular worke.performedbyhim,and the holycallingwhich he:is called vnto. · . · 'l' The fecond dutie of the .pe()ple,i.~,tQ. obey.the doCl:rine :h:~ :!j~~-.ofthe miniller ,t~u ght truely. out of th~ wordof Go~. Thisjs_ Ae~s do. ·commanded, Heb.t 3•l7· Ohetthemthat,haue:tht-tmerjig/,t, ftrule._ t~fJou; and fohmit yourfo!un, &c. ·Hee them to obey.. their minillers;namelyin dotlrine:,and he addes the reafon;,. becaufe they w~tcb for~ your foules. Sith they fiand vpon– thtir gua-rd, todefe~1d:y~qr fQules .fro·mdefiru6li,on ; .there- · fore fubmit yourfelues and obeynot fo much themen, as 1 ' · thedochine andinArualion-~eliuc-red.ou.tofGods word,by. tlieir tniniArie. And fecondly,ifyou doe not iliij; you· ffiaU be fo farre from giuing ioy to the heart ofyour minifter (whichgood people fuould .doe} as th~t you lhall · pearce~ his foule with forrow,.~nd caufe:him~. to . eate vp his hearti ~ withgriefe. For, what·. g~e'clter anguifiican-come· eo themi~ nHlers feule,then this,tha·t, when· hee:xbortes his people to. holines,they bevnhoJy · ;.: he. teach~th t~em to be fpirituaUie. minded,and theybe fet .altogether-on~the- ~orld: h~ lhewes: them;that they muflrulethemfe.luts,an-d..familie~,. after t~e. la·wofGod, and they follow the1r owne lull?·Thas(ofall af– fettions )doth tno{lwoun·d and breake th-e heart-ofa,go.dly, and faithfull minifler, tha~ in-·loue to .his .flocke)·preacheth,, G.o .. dsworde fincer$!ty•..Btlt(willfome.fay) what: ·- · · r _n$!ede- we~ tare for ··his griefe ?· .Nay, this ·is it, th'at ma,;;,., ;and.wi!h :nothin~ more~ then that theycouldbut know. ) ·'