kaowhowt<>-vex the miniller. But(faith theApoGie)m .. ..Heb.r1; not fo ·light acc<lunt ofgri~uing the minifler, for that is. not 11• profitable for you,hehath theforrow ofit;but youtheiolf~.: he is driuen oftne~ to run vntoGod, by your il i~treaty,and ·to feeke for the foue ofGod,when men do neglett him: but inthe meanewhilehe .cannot, \\'ith .that fpirit andcourage; . pray to ·God for you, nor fo powerfully and .chearefullie , preach the word vnto yvu. . . . · · 1 • • • . ~rhis ;rcproues them that bragge of 'thcir good dealtng . ~~ument of • h h · 'IJ d h' k h . . h' 11 h' d d tuhesonly, wtt t emmtuer,an t m et ey pay tm a ts ues, a.n is.no-full ·doe their dutie as well as any, and take it as awrong, that ~rr:~~,f: the minHlcr elleemes not ofthem, as we-ll aiofothers. But dues to the ~hatduty is it that thty p(tforme?Do they obey the Gofpel Mjniller. that he preacheth, and fubmit themfelue-s to his dothioe? This is thechiefefi dutie: and where this is not, thcr~ is no dutie done,worth thankes: vnldfethey be conuertcd, they · d:oe-no·t pay the.minifie·t: his d~e. For a faithfull pafiGr, and· a man of-God, regardes notfo much· the tithes, and the. fieece,as thefaluation oftheirfoules. ·Hce comes (as Chri~ faith} to Peter, to be a 6fber ofmell: and,iftheywill not · bee drawne O·Ut of their Iufis and linnesbyhis preaching, they faile in the principall duty. For, he that nr.gleaetho~ btdien.ce·to·the.do&rine ofthe MinHler, is an ill tb'eepe, arid ·vngodly,perfon; thewwhat kil1dne.ffe he will to the perfon ofthe MiniAer. : · · The laA dutie of the people to the Miniller, is toyeeldToJeeili .fufficient mahnenancevnto him,bathfor hisrelcefe andfu-·mauuc~ · · ftenance, as alfo for his defence againA t:he wrongcs ·ofitfnance. difpofed p~1.:fons. And this is ,commandeu,Gal.6~6.Ltt him .that u taugh! in·theWord,m~him thAt hllth tasghthimp4rt~k!r Df40hug~Dds. BentJtdeceiucd, GDa u no't rJitJck._d, &c.. Wherewilling the that are taught,to prouide for ymainte- . aance.ofthe,MiniAer,he meetes with the·common ··corrup. tionofmen.,tha-t thhlke all is well -gotten, that they-cancde. fraud anddeceiue the MiniAer of: and thereforecarnal men arc neuer more wittie inany,thing, then in withholding ·,his dues: but hee faith, Bee ·not ·deceiued. As ifhccrhadfzid You thinke to.dtceiueanower; but indeede.you;ouerread~ :. ·~~ yo~