Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

·. The Preface. . . l.J th.erfore.they !ball hauepower alfo toobey them all)as well .as one.For that God that hac-h enabled vs to ·kcepfom~, can as wdl Hrengthen vs to keep all the reG:becaufc that .power . we haue to obey one)s not from our fel ues_, but from the work ofGod in vs. And indeede God doth not giue vs thefe laws, that we iliould itn_agine we canpbeythem ofour fe iues,but that (teeingour owne wants) we iliould goe to_ him for helpe.Why then lhould not eueryChritHan hope ·to be able to yeeld obedience to God, in whatfoc~1cr God colllmandeth him?As God witneffeth this efDauid, that he r.King.IJ·f wa-s aman afcer -h~s owne heart in al chings,fauc in the tn~tter ofV.riah:for there he finned prefutnptuouil_y,his heart was vp.right in al things elfe. And hke~'~fe as itis fpoken ofZa- . charieandE/i%J61hcth,that.they were perfe& and vnblamea- Luk.·1.G•. ble in all things: ( no.t that they vyere quit from all infirmi... ties,or had not their fauhs as wel as other•Saints, but ihey wer~ · vpright'and fincere,thcir heart wasttue with God)eue.n foGod can andwill giuc grace vnto an his, to obey eucry )J. one 0fhiscommandements with a true and vpright ohc• dience.So that no n1anought to difcourage himfelf.f:\utoh, will fome fay/or other things 1haue fame hope that I ·lhall . ouercome them :but I £hall neuer _get ~he better of this or ·that fin whileIliue.Well then,other linnes you hope you·catl · ouercome;but whether hat!e youpower to fubdue them by .anyvertueofyour owne,or from theworkingof Gods fpi· ritin ypu?Ifyou fay from your felfe, then you.fpcake igno- . rantly and foolifi1ly: .~or fleO, cannot kiH a-ny fint1e~ this muAbe the worke onely of GO!:>: b!Jt ifyou fay that ,Chri!l lefus did gioe help vnto you againH the-m, why fhould you clc>Uht of vietorie a,~ainll thi~?~e th~t gaue you ability . t~ o~er-rule you~flelh tn fo~e tmngs_.canno.t he,e giue the hk:_1~ ali?yea,thts very mer.c1e,~hat. he hath gmen you a dlf– pohttonand power to obry _h1m m one comn1andement is a·fure tdHmonie to you,that .hee will d,oe the like in th~ refi;fo t~at 'by hum.ble, fait~fu~l, and feruent pra;yer, yo~ craue thts grace-at h1s hands. Th1s therefore which he faith God fpa!teahhefewords)is ameruailous encouragement t~ . ,the Saints ; that therefore ~ their wa11ts in any .. ~~ -~ . ®tJ