omml4rnaemenz. y~ur, (elf~.:. your fe~ues be deceiu~d :~u thel~ngth.For,though thu cunmng.dealmg may lupptly bee htdfr.Qm.mcn, and done fo.dofely.·,.that:it Jhall not knowen; yet Godwill. not bee thus 111ockeJ; he fceth and kngweth .mensfetches wellenough : there is no cloaking with hiln, that' fcarchctb the hearts.1.7orifyoudeale thus wrongfully; make:accounr, that as you fowed, fo you lhall reape _; .fuch·as·yourfeeding was, foch fhall beyour harueR: thisyour corrupt~and.vniuf\ dealing, iliall in the end bring much difcomfort to your felues •. And in another place the ·ApoAie faith, l{'tbeygi111 ],OH·fpiritHIIll thing J, i4 it agrtttt matttr that th~J rtctiu~ c:tr.... ._,..1/? And, Th~fo t·hatftrue At tht Altf1r, liNt l1J the AltAr. So · that, it is the·p~oples . dutie freely andwithout grudging to lleJpe the Minifler with i(ufficknt allowance for matters of this life. ~':J~0cfe1e f.aflly,they ~ut\ giue him afi_i!lance, agai_nllthewrongs· le~J.t heir . ofb:.dmen : ·as JS noted of Aq••lt~and frtfotOt~, Rom.t6.4. ~~i~~e~he t~at th~y lloo<i for P4NI, eu~n to the hazard oftheir owne ~vrongs of .hueso:, Andthat was not athtng that hee alon-e flood bounJ 111 men"' . vnto them for,but in fo doing theydeferued thankes ofthe whole Church,which receiued goodbyhis miniAcrk. And ifthis dutie were carefully performed, perfecutors would not be fo ·bQld and audacious, tomoldland trouble theMi-· niflcrs,and faithfull men o(God, as theybee.Buci~ comes oft fo iopaffe, that, though thePallorbe inall thingsfaith· ·full to his ·powcr,aiJd beare fuch a loue vnto his people, and that hee woJJid part with his life to doe them good :yet,Jet ·~u~fome. Y.ile perfoo,of~. wi_~~k~d andvngodlylife(a·sindeed.· the ,diuell neued;tcke$ .fuch· iollruments to vexe GodsMi~ n:i(lers) let· fome l>afe limme dfthe diuell Gcp forth to fct }:iimfelfe againH the Mini Her,and toperfecutc him, n1any in·· · · the congregati~tlwill be readie to ioync with him,andhaue· tb..~ir hand-in ~s , d~epe as any. And fot otners .ofthe better· f~1-t;:J¥hat courage, hau~ they tQ Liand:fa.r him,andeo defend good eaule? when;will theyopen;:their·mouthes iri h~s defence? or put chemfelues ·into anyuouble to Rrocure hts (afctie?b~tarc readie to fay,It was h!s-~wimt ofdifc.recion! he· W·~S :~OQ.hal}~eJ 3lid. ynaduifed~ ,hee tnigpt_haue.kep.t himt~lfe · • .. .• . . 11UlCto.- . ~·'"' '""' . ·A ... I . r