quiet.. And thus, ci:t . t' bec.aufe theybee dalbrqly' .and dare; Jlot,_or malicious and ~iU. ~9t ; ~hnoft ~non~. c~n . ~-e:·.fQund that·:will Han<l h1 .- thc:maintenaqce_Q·ft!be-i·~ · fa).t:klfulJ . M+~ ni!Jrr, agtiinG the fur-ie ~nd malke of Sadl~tn and his mem.. ~ers, wicked perfc.'c-ucor-s~ But this is a grie~uo.usJaul.t: fori f .anyhad agood friend eo whom he were much beholding, . ·aJld ofwhom he had receiued many benedi~s., no .man al.~ 'moH is fo cowa'rdly and bafe minded, but if he heard one · raile ypon hir:n and abufe him, he'ewout1 rake cour3ge to fpeake for him,.and for his credit: -but wl~q .almotl can bee, found, ofm2ny'in the parHh, that can afl,9rd ;t go.ad.·word for theMinif-ler?N;l.y, are -n9t ·moll c;>fthi·$mind, that ifhce b~emole fled, they thinke, all is loll that fats be fide. Thus much for the duties o'fpeople; the Mini!ters particular du!" I ties follow. . The firAis to bee agood example ·and·patern~ vntQ his Par_ticubr l . J • I'. • h . . d . .J k dutaes of peop e,m oue,tn l~lt ,t,n. p~ucnce,an 111. ~LJery goo~o:' WO( ~ Minif~ers As x:fim·4· I 2: Let no~an4efjtfo.thyyouth, fa·it,h Pt~_Nl. yea ro~h~~ ·but, might Timothyfay; How f·an I ttay them? Heanfwer~s; pc P · . lhew thy felfe an (xamp}e to thofe that bdeetJe. Thi·stJ'lerr , . iscommanded, a-s a d.utie that gaines the Miniller great re.. · uerence and ac~.ount in the hearts ofhis people (andketpes · . . him from contempt) that the light. of God frdne fonh in him, and that they may fee the gracts ofthe hoJyGhotl in his conuerfation .. And therefore ~lfo the Apotlle fhewes how he muHgouernc his f~ruants,and order his children, and his. whole houfhold ·; elfe it he lay load ofdotlrine vpon other .~, . . . '~ a.nd donothing himfelfe, they may fay, PbJfti.an h:ale thy ftlfe; 3~d p~l/.th, Ptame~ut of thi~e own~ eye, tbfiH hJpocrite. -~ I . { r And thts Wlllmake all ht~ preachtng fruttldfe ;tnd vainc: for _ he that cannot gouf·rne him(elfe and his owne familie, ·how is it poffible that he fhould order his flock aright?Therefore hemufi lhew his firfl skill in gouerning himfelfe and tho(e . that be neerefi vnto him. ' ·. The n~xt dutyofthe Minifkr is topreach the pureWord ofGod, m feafon and out offeafon; to feed the flocke dili– gently and faithfully,to prepare and deliuer fuchwholefotne · _d.ochine, as may nourHh the foules ofhis pc:ople, to diuide Q3 the