Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

.,. J ommArntttm~tnt. theWordofTrutharight,to fpeak to the capacideand con~ fc~ence ofhishearers, in all ~iligenceand faithfuln~(fe,·not · making merchandize ofthe Word andGofpell ofChrill; that fo his people may beprepared as a fit and pure Virgin, . to bee marrted vnto Chritl. And fo farre as heedoth thefc things, namely that i-n dotl:rine and example hc-e go before· . the flocke, fofarrt he may looke for dutie at their hands: or ifthey"performe it nor, yet he may fay as Jfoiah did, 49·4• t}flly iudgement ~· wilhihe LDm, an-dmywsrk.._ewithmyGod. And thus r-nuch for thofe fuperiors which haue authoriry in theChurch, and their infcriours.Th~ fupe~iours, and inferil ours incommon: wealth, .foll?w·_: -~nd thofe are Magi~tates atld fubiects, : ' .' ! 'r· ' . . I .' . ' . · Thefirfl ·clutiec.>fthe·· subiea is fubmiffion 'both inward and outward ; In heart to reuerence, and outwardly to obey .. ··. the Magillrate. And this is commanded,Romans I 3. Let e... . ~ . · ue~ie:foule- liefohiefl to thehigherpo'Wers. Hee·cohlmand!rnot ::~'·:; •JI oh~y a· b&tih_efubieCtioil,_ wbich 01.ay be inmany reb~llious ., .pe-rfons ·tlfat. refill authoriti~; and lie opea to the .curfcof God for this finne: but an inward .fubmiffioo of the foule, as vnto afp3rk.e'ofGodsauthority, and 'an appointment of his; -:for ifthis:ipWard bee 11ot lfirfi, the -outward will faiJe . . v~csheoeryhghtoc-c~fKin ! ,There ·mt1H·bee·alf" an outward SubH~Clion. fu'bietlionj ·in ol1ey·ing: th(iF commaunds, fo farre as they comm~und lawfull things. As Tit. 3.I: Pat them i.nremtm• · brance that they6e fo!JieCl to '"ll i.~ ttuthoritle,andobedient. But ifit fo f.:1U out, that the Pr.mce, or any in authoritie vnder him, comm~und things vnlawfull, againfl the comma~n~ o. dcmen.t ofGod-·, then indeed wee muH with Peter fa}-; It ii Aloi(·4·I.9· - better to o!Jey God then 111an: but yet fo, that wee bee centent to beare any punHhmcnt that lhall bee laid vpon vs, cuen to death it felfc., v.:hen the King made awic– ked editt,wouJd not y~dd vnto it: but yet heewas contctlf toyeelcl to the pt.mifilment with patience, and ncucr went about to gatherapower againfl the Kmg; in his·owne de- - fence.And thethree children would not preferreNebuchdJ.:. ne~zars~ommandement before Gods, neitheryer did they byrebellion feeke their owne ddiuerance; but quietly gaue . vp