t. 241 . vp -th~mfelues t~ d~r~th, ~~pe8h1gheJge,onlyf~o~God.So that, tfthe MagtHrace.s comntand.cment.b~ lawfhlb;.. me ftl'h~' kCl muHobey :-bmjfti_~teqititc-in v:aia~vfQl;!. obedi.2nce}he mull not rehell, >out fufrer the 'punifh.m(!l1t 1 ~w!th.ou.r . grud~ ging;e.uerdn hear·r, ·.~$ E·c.def1:ttj.·. 1 b; zo:.sC:u~fenunh~ ft<.etlg;· nonot t<11hy thought, nor.tl?t ·ru;IJ r;y toy ·h~d·~~~:r.~mhcr... f'fJr,Jht · fowles ofcth~1ily.r~fJ!fel~d~fi~rJ. it ~:...c.as .ifh~ \voml4, t~y:Ti1o~gh .· (;1}:y . ~ the.King or· thofe in amhudtie vnd:cr him ·dbe ·cht c w.rong.;~ yc:c allow thou nomifchieu0us onAicked thought .ag.ain!i them :For ifthou do, God will bring it to light. But ifthe: Kmg be vniufi and.wiCked J thrn wee omH p~ay tO God.tQ .. conuert hinl,_as .Paul cqmmanJs, 1 .Tun.2. 2:.th~i a-H}\lt .fins· haue bro~gh~an illgoucrnour ouer vs, fo our;-rzyers 'fflljfl either remoueor better hirb. The .fir(} dury then 'is fubieGh.. on, without gain-faying. . . . . . , · · · ~' ·· J The fecoad.is to pay theirdues,vvillinglyandfredy ,witb~ Paiments. o~lt difcontentment,. ~s. )·PaN/ fpeake.s ;: .1hb,jt,_.tflt(!homtli~ Rom.I J. htete, cufbmu trJ whomcstffJJm~- and ; w~~a e:u:eriptiym·c~nih!lfe is neceffary for the ! maiilten~nce 'oft heir eliace.;.p:at(iy ~bav ·they maybe able to repre.ffe rebels and enemies:an.dpartly, that (hauing fufficient tnaitJtena'nce from the 'people')' they may not be dHlracted, but bend-thdr.wno.Ie ·itideuour -io the goodgouernment.addprotectionbftheir fubie~sJ ; ,H;~; . . ;. : -Le~VS nowconfider the dutiesoftheM-agHhace..: Foi~~he Ma~ifh:ats_ hath his charge too: and much is rtquired ofhim, towhotn duue. much is ~iueo. · · . .. · .. Firll then his dutie is,to looke togodlines,.that re~igioil~ x.Religi()u. andthe ·pure worlhip ofGod ,~e cl.lmfirmed ancltl!umt•Hned in his land. Ast. Timothf2'~'2s P{$ul wils ro ·pray for thofe in authoritie, tiMt wee 'nayliueagodly life vndt:r them. Fir£1 then, the Magillrate according to his place, and the autho.. r.itie thereof, muflhaue acare ofgoUlines : and Jookc that theholy {cmice ofGod·bc fet vp, ·aod ·all .fa)fe :artd. idola:..~, tr.ous ~orlh.ipJ4pp.rc~ed~ ·And this did'the go.dly--a'ndGhri" :: --~ , ... fi1an Kmgs mformer ttmes:As He~uhiahand /ofiah·,·whofe ..~:· .L -greateR care; and firHw·or ke., was to_pull downe a·U ·idols, ·and tO-·cxhort and Com·mandthcir peo.pleitO pta.dtife ·the purc ~ and _holy religion rofGud, ae<otdiob t9) ~i~: Wotd. · · <t.~ And