Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

24~ And where this is.not ne, the duties .of the fecond table muA needes be negleaed. . > The fecond dutieQftheMagiflrate,is,to maintaine peace and quietnes,toprouidc for the vnitie and cancord ·oftheir fubieC\s: as in the fame placeofTimothy,ThtttW# may /iue" l.odly life,with~tllpea~eandquietnejfe. . · · 2.Pcace: Now, they muH pr~uidc ·.for· pe~ce, by.. pulling downe and reprdfing the wicked with their authoricie; and- alfoby maintaining and d~fending the innocent; ~nd rewarding the good. For,vnlefle theMagilhate vfe his power and iliew his authoritie again,tl Gn.ners,they will beprachfing and Hir.:. ring aga.inilGodsChildren. .Theferperit will bembbling·at the heele,da!kneHe will hate light, ,a.nd the dogg~swil.l bee worrying the fl1eepe. The diudJ.. driues them, and needes they muft be troublefo ne)as he their Captain-e is. For,an i,ll . >C- ,.,. ·~~ confci~nce .is alwaies fierce: and not hauing the peace o£ ~~; ,{,·.·) ' God to,quietrthem,.tbey c~nnot. be. quiet •. ~. : : ::wh~1:~urfe.or waymullbe. taken·! t:h:e.u? TheM·agiJfuatc mtifl makedu:t.n quiet~by~nuning .the ~·dge,a.: gainll them; bemuH [eprdTe them, and let them fee,that if theybecroublefomelit f11all be eo.their coll, they fi1aU trou– ble thernfelue:s. And this will fomethingbridle them ;•~hat good ~ttt.en mayhaue.fome reafonable·peaceby th~m. ': · ../ t J·! Honcfiy~ Thc'.thh:d dutie,ofMagifirates)is~to pr.ocur.e hondly;a:S in the fame placeofTtmothie,the ApoHie fpeak~s. tSow, this they mull doe,by remoouingallewJe praetifcs anq;perfons, I;·:.- · · and thofe thi'ngs, that are occafions to then~ ;~ a-s Hewes,hou– !esotfihbitles,an;thoufes of. gaming, ~hich- are meaa:es to· p. rouek~men to mu·ch ·lull and..vnthrifdne£fe,,comrade, io ciuill honeAyand good maners.Thefe things theMagiflrate mufl rcformeJo farre as his authoride will Hretch;ordfebee .is,not faithfulHn his place. And this t5 commeoded in Afo~ s.King. t5, 8~tlia,t he;· put th~ 'Sodomlce,sout ofthe Jand. An .other. p:o~nt !~~ub;e o~honeOr is, ·~rder forth: podre>in g.~o~.Jorr. , Eif~1 , punitb~d. for togu~s ,and ruriagates,that betng·flrong.and luflly, .tnake· beggh~gandwandrin.g their trade oflifc;th~t they pu_ntfbedanq fe~ to worke: that no mamtenance. or al,. Jqw~pc~ ynto t~em ~_witblDutJ·uaU,ftl.ment;-"n:Idff· '· ~ · I . t.h t'll7. !;Ji:., !. ~· '7'