theywill Cettle t~eanfehtcs to labour: for (fo the ApoHle fpeakes) He thatwi.ll'tl ot work!,let him not c.ate. And, what 1.Ther.3.Jo ' tnore dHhoneH thing can be in a chrifliancommo~-weale, . then that fu::h 01en lhould bepermitted? which fill the land with finne,making their lifenothing elfe, but a continuall pratlife of filthineffe,thcft and idlenetfe (which arc finnes of Sodom)that Iiuc without calling,without magHlracie,with~ · out mini!lry,without God in the world ,that neither glorifie God,norferue the Prince, nor profit the common-weale: but are anvnprofitable burden to theeanb,and a blot to the fhte,and (as droanes) liue on other mens labours, and on the fweat of other mens b~owes. Thcfe filthy perfons, anq Vi} profitablegeneration, this refufe a·nd oftTcotrringof the world,.muH be purged away by the handofthe 1\1agHhate: in wh~fe hand there is power, and to whom God bath for this intent committed the fword, that they tnay either <;ut Qff, or ~mend fuch rottell branches. And ·this the ex~ ~ell~nt ~nd worthyexan,1pleof lob fufficiently c0nfirmcs: Iob 3o.t.:;; who:thoug_h bee wa~ . abundant: inmercy, and in .alllibe• ralitie to the poere and .needy (whofe neccffitie; and not i– dlendfe, nlade them fland in neede orhis helpe) fo that·. hee was an eye to~he· blinde (as euerygood and Ma.,. gillrate . cfp~cia'lly, ought to bee) :and a foote; to ~the · , ~ ·· lame, &c ;.Yet for thefe wicked perfons, he fo hated. their fin ne, an d punHhed fo fharpely their perf-ons, as toot they · ha:d r:uher .fl_t€ tp the wHdernefie, and embr~ce the rockcs• lie at"Qoqg i;h s :Pu.fhe.s, .and, e~t~ trhe Iunipcr rootes,..then .bee. (eel!~Jp ~~~t.1 pj~CC·· Whf!re fq/J had 3:1lf.thing to·.aoe,or Cotne ~ithi~ ' th~}i~its ·;af his aufh~Jritie :··yea fo -.infamous werethey gro:wne,_that men fhouted~ at the~,as at a theefe ::.aad,, . . ~ ... , theywere almo!l q,uice banifi1ecl from the company efmeno· And he giues t:his reafon, they. were .villaines, ;an<J the ( _ .ofvlllaines-, rn~re b~fe and y,ik then the ean.h~ the.y trqa;d~ · .· · a vpo!l ~ ~-his ft:ntence the holy ·Ghofl giues of thefeyou~lg~ · and ~uClt,evagarants·._, s·~t' ~nemight fay .Y Bee ·~hey. ll.Ot men, ' and bear~- Gods .Image? Nay (faith-hee) they haue fo o.e.-, f~fed t~eImageofG~~'as tha~ .th$Y, b.e~o~ to·b~ q)tnp~red to the dogg~s, ;9{ Jl)X·;f!o_s;~c;;. ·l;~e ·~Qg"f;_s~w ofth~ flo,k~ .doe. • 1 ;,T. , · goodi .... ... , ' ,