Duties of which are either in A " . infctiours, . ge. . Gods tifta-- Theduties ofthofe which are inferiour to other in gifcs, arkto c: is firH to acknowledge their gifts, and reuerence them for ::d;ed~·the fame. IfGod haue beflowed vpon any one more wifedoKle,more godlineffe, ·more difcredon,. ar vnderflanding thenanother, though he haue no authoritk,. yet he bath an cxcellende and fuperioritie ~boue thofewhich haue not e.- quail gifces: and this they mufl confeffe and app,roue.to · Gqds glorie, andhonour him, whom God hath honoured. Elfe, by obfcuring Gods gracious gifts, theyclip the Lords coyne,.. and fo much as they can hinderthe glory of God~ and the good fruit that m1ghc come to m·~n by them. 1'h,ey · mull therefore with reuerence be acknowledged. ·And thus .the woman ofSttmt~ria, l0hn 4· which ·at the ··firCl- .:ielled withChri!t, at length pe~cciu'ing his gifts, acknovvJ~dged him to be aProph<!c, (for fo farre only tbee faw r~·en):and deaies more ' reu~tently with him. And Nehuchadne2jz..~r fceingchat ·Daniel was indued with wifedome and koo~l. ledge from God, eo expounddreames more than hiq1fdfe or any of his Nobles,doth confeffe ir, and reuerenceth him. for it. But contrarieh.ereto; is their practife, which through enuy and .pride ferthetnfdues to depraue and lelfen other mens grace5,-:and,thinke no gifces wonh lookingafter, bu-t ~heir ow.ne)·iand ,iudge ' all men fooles befides thcmfdues. Yet cheyltlinkc1 ~ a dude; that .other men ibould acknow– !e~ge their o~1~ward giftes, as wealt.h, parentage, -tides and fuch 'Hke, :and ·reucrence them therefore .:· as indeede they ought to bee refpeeted with a. ciuiH regard for -peace fake; but no man is bound to thinke the better of them for their werld!tc greatneffc. And why then doe not they themfelnes e!le-emc and acknowledge the inward giftes be:. flowed vpon others, which are much more excellent then theh·a? . · \,. ., Th~ .feco~d d'·uticofinferio1Jrs in gifts,is, to make a good -r:hcr;ooo vie of .the- g1fces that others haue beyond them, irnitating,g,ft$ofo-: t d •t· ~ · d · h h r . h k ' t-~rsare t 1e go · m,eue an pattence t at t ey· ·lee 111 t em, ta mg ~ o beimi~ t ounfcll and direction from them. And as they muftreue~ rated. • renc_e.