. rence thefe graces_in anocher, fo they mufl labour for .thent in themfelues, as it were to light their capdle ~this, and · .t~) d_raw forne drops from his full bucket. . . . ; Thus the woman ofSttmt-~ria, f{) foone as· lheepercci~~d ··ChdH to be another manner ofperfon_, then at ·thc firH fh.ee tooke him to bL", left offieHing, and fe~l to 3ske hirra iqme queHions ofRdigion,that 0Je migh~ be the b~tter for mee.. ting with aProphet. And PIJt~ ~·aob perce:~uiog lofephs 'Ni(e,. dome and proui~ent forefight, put him in fuch a place, .where his goo4, gifts might procure the common good. . ·And Nebuc_hadnez..z..ar -fceing Danie/J fitnes for an high placeofoffi~e J preferred him where he might-put his 'wife– don.re, and oth~rgraces to the proofe and pra8ife. And he, who thus makes good vfe ofthe gifces ofothers, doth':in truth, acknowledge and reuerence them in others,: e\fe all lhew ofaccounting of them is but hypocriticall, and l11all yeeld no comfort to the fouJe afterwards. . . This fbames and reproues them, that heare many graue .andgodly fpeeches, andyat 1earne not any peeceofone,to follow ir. Howpuny examples of patience and holineffe, and mortification do they fee ingood men)·and yet be ne– ·uer.a whit the better .for them ? God hath giuen fo many .g~races for their good, and will they, profi~ by none of them? This is a great fault, and fhewes that indeed·there is no true reuerence; for that which one cflecmes and accounts of in another, he .would be very defirous and glad to be partaker . of himfelfe. · · · . ' Now, on the other fide·, .fuperiours in gifies mull turne theirgiftts to the greatefl goodofothers, vl1ng their wife– dome todire&, their knowledge to inHrul~t, their Hrcngth to beare burdens; as the ApotHe fait h, Roman.1'IS· 1. Toll thAt areflro,g, lra~fl not layburdens vpon theweakr-,.toop– preffethe.m; butbe4.r_ethehurdeiuo_ftbeweak!,to bdp rhero. Vnldfe thcr:efore hr, to whomGod hath giuen more·graces _then ordinarie, doe vfe that which hee hath recdu_ed, to the honor and glory of hiin that gaue it, and to the good of mankins, for which he gaue ·t~ he is foun d an abufer.ofthe Lords talents, which gaue themhim; riot to.the intent hce · • ~o~d ..