Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

alould vaineglorioufly fee himfclfeaboueothers, that wane them(and fo tread his inferiours vnder foote,ot cruelly_op– preffc) orcrafi_ilydrcumucnt, and deceiue.thofe of meaner . capacide.then himfelfe) but to imploy himfelfc to the conl.. J110n g9od ofthe wholeChurch, and the funher cdtfication ~ offuch as are~weake•. ~or,as hee hath receiucdmorr,f.o (ac– t\le number ofthefe talents)he mull bring._forth i agreate~ increafe. _ . . . · . · But for-one to grow proud; and fet htmfelfaboue others, in -reg;ude of his preheminence: that brings the curfe of God vpon -him-, and is the next way to make him·defpifed, and to-·lofc his'gifts whichhecan nobetter imploy• As it is feene by: vvofulIexperience in a great numoer, whomGod . had furnHhed with manygifu,l>oth ofbodieand minde{fo · that there was g~cat hope, that they lhould hauc much fet– foorth the glorie of G 0 D, and done great go·od to the – Church ofGod) when they 'beganonce ~. to hft vp.them- · felues)and -to feeke their owne vaineglorie; more-then the·· gleri~ ofGod (and fo to turne their gifts the wrong.way) · themfeJucs haue -growne in contempt ,.. an~ thofe ·· graces-. they had afore haue rotted away, and by little .and little 'come to nothing. And iufl it is -witllGod that it fhould be · f.o: for -that man whid1 will not honour God withhis g,ifts, , Godwill fee that hee tball net haue' any honour by them.·– And better that theyand their gifts fl1ouTd pcrHh)ethenthat r they 01ould haue them todoeno good to others>b'ut ·to fet -: vp and aduaunce themfelues-aboue their hrethren•..Thus ; much-· for fuperwurs and infcriours. in -gifts : Thofe in:age;.: follow. - , . · - · · · . The duties ofy.oung~r petfons-to thofe' that are·andenCl; Duticaef -:– iS~ to ffiew foorth a-- rcuerent opiniop-ofthem·; and. all duti-.i theyo,cr.. . full and modctl behauiour toward Lhem; in· regarde that : theycarrie vpon··them, as it were a Print of Gods eternide. - Thls is comm·andcd in Leuiticus., chapter 19.vcrfe 3 2.: Rifo '' flplitfore· tli~ hottrt-heAd,And-honottrth~ ptr{onof thi·· ~tged; I ' A M;: t H ~ toR I:>· - Where (in giui~1gthis Commandement ' • of honouring the aged) he meet-eth with young ·conceited - heads,-by:this. reafon, I AM T wE .- LoRD)' to whom· thou :. -,· • owcA :