owell obedience.: I will haue -lt thus; and in this rerpe6l, it ~ ··were-th~: ~efi way for thee to·yeeld,it. So,inEfoJ, chapterl• verfe -~ .lt.ts noted,~s a-curf.e ofGod,andaplague:,t-hatcom..;, meth with -the fu.buerfion· ofthe Common-wrale, whc:tt fuch wofull confulion'ihould take p-Iace,as thatyongboyes and childre-n (of no dHcretion-and ·.gouerntnent) · fhoul~ pr~fame againO the an-cient; and proude ·youths~(cha< haue no grace,nor any thing to commendth~m) lhouldg-row t() that extreamitie of tmpudende and fhamelefndfe,as to pre.. :fume againft the-ir tJ·ett-ers, and preferre themfelues before . their elders. Which doth tbarply reprouedle cufiomabler.udendfeof ·-eur yo.ungperfons,that !hewno token ofreuerence to their. elders, in rifing:or being vncouered, before ·them; b~tvfe fuch behauiour towards them, as ifthey were their comp·a .. .nions or-·play-fellowes. · · or elder -The du_tieofeld.er perfons,is,to giue.aeoodexample.For ;.perfGRio 6J ~gra1heAdit Af/f11'il;-ifit- lle-{011ndin theway of'~'!ght~DNfoeJ!i. •lft-hey beg.odly,an·dh0ly;and lhewfo0nh.a wtfe a~d graue· ·conuerfation ; then either younger perfons-·lhall giue them t.hdr.due re.uerence; orifthey doe not, the --linnelieth vpott ·their ownebe-ads,and themfeluesareblam.eleffe. · So,- 7itNJ)·Ghapter 2.verfe 2. The Elder·mllff;~,,[.f,er,-h,., tttff;diforette,foMmJit~ ·tht f.cieh,loNeandpatit'lee. As their bo– die decaies, fo their foules mufi increafe in all grauitie and fobrietie.: and fo1· their vnfound limmes -and w~ake, they muA:g~t a found and Llrong faith. By-the long continuance of titn.e 1 and often·vfeofthe meanes of faluation, theymutt ;get great foundneffe and power offaith, which tnay -worke -abundantly in them, by the fruites ofloue,-that alwaies do·c .accompatuc true faith.:: and this l0ue willanake them patient,notfroward,no.t,pettilh, not eafie tobeoffended ; :but · full aflong futfering,.and to bee.an example to others,o~ me~ndfe. But contrarie.it is in thofe,whofe .6nnes of their ·y~uth.ha~ foa~ed..fo deeply into ~he?J, an~ ,fo -filled the~ :·bones;as there· IS nograce to be feene tn theu oldage. Thell" words are.altogcther light,·Yaiae) and foolifhf nothing ,fa-' dl!ouring o(grace_;..fo that n.~ man:-can in ,euer.ent.;e - eit~e-r. · "rauc