. ' o enutnt. foule, that hce that flH)ulJ haue been one of their greatet\ comforts J is one of their greateR griefcs; this brings acurfe· and prouokes God to cut offhis lifevnttmdy,and his foule . alfo (vnlefie hec rep(·nt) to his d~mnation. An exampleof this we haue in the Rechabits the fonoes ofID11.td4/J, Ier.3 S• verfe I 9•Theydid reuerence their parent f~ much, ~s ~hat when he ( fe.eing the exceffiue abufe of wine eo ·drunKen• neffe,and the abufe of houfes and lands, to couetous grte· dindfc) commattded thetR to drioke no wine, nor build houfes,aor buy land: which might feeme an hard comma~.. dement, abridging them oftheir ple~fure and profit; yet in– loue to their father, they kept it fairbfullyall their d,aics. NowGod comes vpon the Ifraelites, and condemnes them by the e¥ample oflon~tda/Js fonnes; tbewing that hce had been a better fa:her to them, then ]IJH•tdilb had been to his {onnes: and his cominandetnents rellrained them from OCJ l~wfull delight, but onely fro~ fi~ne ·which would darrine their foule ; yet t_hey would not bee fo obedient to him as the Rechabits to their father-. Therefore in the-laH placehec comes to giue:a reward totheRecbabits, and faith .. that J•• naelA!J .thtfo11.»,.9f Rechalifo4ll ntt~erwantam;tn tojla11.d !JI,.' fore him. Su'h ·a·good thing, and fo acceptable'it is to God, that childr_en lhould fubmit themfelueii vnto their p·arcnts.;· And fo Jofoph hauing been agood fonne vnto ~aco6,- I ACtJ(, prolonged his daies; for he prayed fo heartily for him t,h.at ,Godcould not dcnie his prayer. Alwaies when!ofophcame~ then lacolu ~outh was full of bletlings: 2nd ~e was readi7- . ~o prayfor httn with his whole hcarr. And thcfe prayers of his did not goe into the aire, and v:u~ilh fruitleOy ,buc tooke· ·fuch place, that God indeede bleffed lofoph in himfelfc,'3nd his poHeritie abundantly. So that the beH diet (as it ~ete) and thebdl aire to makemenliue along and happie life, is :tobeQbedient to their p:uents. · Therefore let children learne tobedutifull and ferue their ·parents, as Pau/fai~h that TlmothJdid ferue him as a fonne_ . ferueth his father: and the like is caught in cJUa/-achj~3. I 7• T~is doing,t~ey lhal bring Gods bleffingvpon tp('it fo'ules and bodies·; othcrwifc they iliall eitherhaue a!hoxtliff; or if