Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

.. ifthey liueIong,thei~ Jife lhal be filled wit~ miieries,or their_ foutes with fuch ragtng and ·vnruly -lutls,as drawdowne the heauiewrath of-God vpon them. This ferues alfo fecondly, to inltr_uCl parents,that ifthey s would haoe it goe well with their -children, they muflnot J·wbe fhoufd r l ormoro thetrfo rnucbJa·bour-to get great matters in the World 10r to make · them·as co · tak~them dow11~ betime,to in!lruCl: atid nurture dour chit-... ' - · · ren gra~&· them iogodlineffe,and to jndeuour to worke reucrence and ous then pierie in rheir hearts; or clfe, be they as great as they wi~l, great" they tball get but acurfe vpon themfelues: As _wee fee In ~ D~tuidf fonncs,whcn -hewas remifie in brinf ing them vp ·in. :'the feare ofGod} and let them haue their qwne way, an.d could natfincl'inhi~heart,to ·correCt -thenr; how; did (-;ods 2.Sam.1J• curfepurfue them? One commits incdt; the-other (feeing &.xs. 7Jauidwould not punHh fo hainous a fin ne)vfurpsauthori~ · ti~,and becomes his brothers iu9ge andcxecutiooer,andafte-r-alfQ driues hisfather o~t ofhis·kingdome~ a_~d feekes his 'life,tiJl hh11felfe wa·s forprifea·by·· a miferabie·' death, Gods 'hand taking v~ngean(eon h'r_s,wickedneffe. An.·other, :for treafonablepra6hfes,was iuflly put todeathbyhis brother. So al thefe :catt:~e to afe~reful and aviolent end, becaufe ·he ·woul~not repr~o·ve·an,d ·cor rea them, as·h.eought to hiue ·' · :-done4 ·Biit ·r.or ,Satomoll ;his _fathe-r in~~li~ted him, and _his Prcu.4o1. 4 • mother t 1 aughc him : beewas kept it},and not fuffered fo to & J '·1 • · r~nne:af~er-va-nitie•. :·J:herefore wee fee what bl;effings befeU him;·an'd what· a curfcouertdoke theother thre·t·There- ~ ' ' '. ··' .. ·fo~j~sip,ar·ebt-s 'R'uty aiid tnufl defite 'anhappie-an~ long_life for t~eir childreil ~ fo theymuGalfa·vfeid1c meanesto ge~ ' it · for theln;b.}l':goodnurture,-atid by maHHng oft'hem,tio make ~d1em· khowand do their duty•. For, better parents maller ~them- ~y correCtion, than God ~ellroy them in ·indignati– ·on1 ~J\nd ifth ~ybe•n.ot flaid at firft; they:will pr~ceed rebelhon agam!l parents, to bee rebel$ agaitfft the M~gi.. £hares ; and cu,en agaio~ (??d himfclfe, vn'till they bee · .brought to vtter confofion~ ·. , This ferues alfof?rthecomfortofduti'fi1ii children:who ; J... ·· ~n~ugh they be~ ; Iefdn a poor'e eHate detlitutecifaH wotltl~ Children ' ., ... r ' l h . -- 1 .'h . , 1 k I' ./ • . , . ~ . , . need.e not . ;J.~~·~ca t ; yet et t· emho·c oo 10 muchvpontheir ·pre'fent· H~dif"ni' . ll wantsJ