vUI"JTi"lllfJ,UClrTJeJ'i/1. t.1g~d for wants,tobedifcouraged,asvpon t.heirformer obedience t() ~~~~~~b~c be comforted. Haue they behaued thctnfelues humblyand li>!' ~fint thankfullytowards their parents? haue they be.en·willingto ofp,lc:ty. doe for them, wh,at good they could, to yeeld due obedience vnto them? 111akeaccount then, that God will bleffc · and fu-ccou·r them, that theyOullliue a long ana ltappie . life vpon the earth•. But thofe that·rebellious, as. they be fickeofthe father or lnother and· defire the parents . landes, more then their life:., they may iufiJy looke that the day ·will cotne,when their childrenwil be as wearyofthem 1 and as-willing.tobee ridofthem,. as they hau.e beenoftheir owneparents.. . . . _ But here feemes anobiection ·to ·arife: We fee it farre o– therwife oft-times. Wicked perfons oftenliue long: ~n_d thofe that beobeditnt, many times diequickly. To this we m-ay: anfw.ere, that the reprobate Hues but to heape vp wrath:,againfl the day of wrath, and to·.make vp a greater ~ meaftne of.his finnes, that God may make vp a greater ri1eafureofvengeance•. So that the greatefi pro.motion, for . r.eprobaces.,we~e ro die, as foon.e .as- they beborne: (or th~ .longer they liue,themorefinnes they c.ommic,and th~ more ~JU·Y·S7••· "thallbe.thei.r torments. But for thegodly,1fGocl Cilll ~he1n _.,, ~. · . away;it_ i-s to bringth~m to, thatthey. maybee · .i. l ·: . taken front the euill to come. As theop~only.good fen ne of .leroho~~ndlqd y~ung,to the intent,hemigijt.not b~infeCled .with th~ fe~refull finnes .of. his.fathers houfe, whichmigh~ haue befall~n hi~,. ifh~ ,had Hl:le~ Jonge~-a~Qng )them; rurd -tlfo . ~hat -h~ migbtlii9~PF.;itmctedwith.y; light oft.ho,fe·h~r· -rible iudg~mencs, to. f~ll vpon that graccldfe fa... mily.•. And-this .is nQ·HlhargaineJ to be taken fromeanh· f<i> .hcauen, fro~ lheconflict eo thecriumph,from thebattell tQ · t·he .yi6lorie, God): .and the. rompany.o£his An- -~lsand ~i~its. ; ·: · ·. Thllt the Lord thy 9odgit~tth.thef• . ., A1t good , IN that it is faid'·Godgiues th~~ th\s l;~~d; thiswelearne, .. ! tha~all good thmgs are th~ gif~s:ofQod.As thepeopleof ft~~_.:rGod- fay:i.n the.~falm~~~heir.fvv9;~d'\lt.d : 1Jow, ~id .not bring: -· · . • .t them·-~. (. --~ ! i( ..