Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

·tnem into theland ofCanaan, but the Lord.; according to his·promifemade eo Abraham, to giue that land to him and his fcede,for euer. So that God giues poffeffions and inhe– ritances: not wit nor nature. AsDcut.l. God faith,he gaue theJEdomites,Ammonites,& the Moabices,their poffdlion: and he did -call out great Giants before them. They thought · it-had beentheir valout': but ·God faith, it was his mightie worke_,or elfe theycould not haue Hoodcbefore thofe huge and m'onfirou·sGiants. And he faith alfo, that they fhall baue it Hill. So that God both puts, andkeepes men in pof– feffion. So inPfalm.24.1·2· Thetarth u the Lords: and then he giues·a reafoR; He hath ·made andfo.und·ed·it on thewa– ters. All men in the world cannoc make one creature : and when a thing is made,:theyhaur no power eo preferue it.Be– caufc lherefore, God can only create and make, and wheR - they be madc,vphold and preferue thefethings,he is onely the trueowner of them. Andalthoughhe put man into pof– feffion,yet he vvil neucr put himfelfout ofpoffeffion, but he will haue the di!polingofall. No tnan bath the fee. flmple - ofhis life: thebcfl htenant atwiH :and ifGodcal the foule, it mufi not take day \Vith him. . · Sith then theearth i.~ y Lords,and he ·is the rightownerof1'haal_d'ur.; · ·it,this vfe we muf.1 make of it; thankfully to acknowledge,~~![! g~dc whence we rcceiue all thefe things that weenioy, and i:are- for t~ebe.. fully tovfe them to thehonor of the giuer. MoH men will =~f! {ay,who is fo fimple, but heeknowes, and <:onfeffeth, that God giues him all things? In word., itis true, almell none but will fay fo: yedn deede,and inpraetife, howmany bee there,whichde-nicit,and fay th«contrarie?Forwhere there , is a trueandheartyperfwafion,that God doth freely bellow , 2l things.landwe haue themofhis gifr,thefe two things,wit! ~ alwaicsfollow: FirH, fu<:h (fo far as they ar~ fo perfwaded) will neuer beeproud: for theycanfay to tbcmfe!ues, What hauc I that lhauenot receiued? and thenwee will ra.ther be chemore humble J when weknow that weeare more indebted to God,and·haue a· greater reckoning·to make. ~or, aJ.l fwellingproceedes from hence, that one thinks he isbchol~ ··ding tonobodie, but himfelfe.. B :~ ' Second-