Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

' . 2J4 · t-"1lent. Secondly,heethat in truth ofheart confeflhh hee hath it from God,vvill vie that he hath,to·Gods glory; and not be– flow it vainely vpon his ownelufls. For, why cloth God giue you fo large wages>but that you fhoulddo him the bet"''. ter feruice? and why hath the Aewar~ his maA.ers go<;>ds,but to lay all out·to his cnafte:rs profit? Elfe if a fleward lhould. fay, I haue onely the keeping ofthe mony; but it isall ·my matiers at'ld not mine; anci yet he_will fpend it in gaming or riodng: then he is either a dHfemblcr,and thinkS- , not that it is his maHcrs, though hee fay fo, or elfe hee is.a _.theefe that will wa!le his maHers ·goods fo vnthriftily. · But in truth the ill vfe of goods, tl1cwes that moLl men · in their hearts, fay of their goods as the atheiHs oft.h~ir: tongues ·, Pfalm.12. Our tongueJ are ours, and -a·ee will JPeakg: So thefe fay of their yvealth, _le is ·ours,. and wee vv.ill doe with it what we lull. But it is not yours..When did yo.u.purchafe ic .ofGod? when paidyou any price to him for ic; where was the bargaine·inade, or the writings·fealed? What?is God fhut vp whhin thecloudes, that hec hatnno– t-hing tb doe in the eanh?Nay_,bur time will come that they · fl1al ktioweo their·gricfe ,that y eanh is the Lords>though he (for a wlule) hath pn.mitted the vfe ofit to the fonnes ·of men. Therefore let them:learne to vfc God as a lan.d-lord,' and let not their luf1 be maHer ofthe Lords goods.·· The -ab~~e This ferues alfofor the terror ofrhofe that hauc,and doe o~~~e~~od ~abufe, the good bendir:s of God to his dHbonour. _God; ~':hC.s1of1 . 1 will c ..e.naine!y turne them out: or if. he doe kaepetbem in,- "'oa tot . oft depriue it l11all be but as in a prifon. They {hall not haue the·.vfe,of ;~r:::e the le-things by the vercue ofrhe couenanr,.that theymay fay, c~hen~rclues: asjr i~ here laid;chcLord thy God gaue thee thefe and,thofe: ~~~rte:<:r~ . things:but thus they m~y fay, the Lord thin·e enemy-hath·– th~ I\ J~.-t~e _ permitted thee to haue thefe& rhefe things.ludas couldnot· abem~ fay,the Lord·my C-Jod hath giuen rtre this moMy :bm>y.Lord<. hath appoinred me to perilh by·this mony. And fo it is:wirh'.' al fuch .as abufe·()ods benefits;theycome not in 'mercy, as . blefi1i1gs &: fauours,tofunh·er their faluationjbut·e– as curfcs- to harder-uheir.harts)to ma·ke,the·mproud or eaue... tp~s,~nd fo to .erocure theirfo.on~t and!:lru6Hon ..- ,· . . . :Ua{t...