Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. LaAly, this feiuesfor theeomfore ofGod:strue -~hU~ren 4 . ; aAd faichfull feruants; Sith God giues all _things, therefore ~~~s~~~~· furely t·hey:lhaHwant ·nothing that. is good for them: for wJnt n~ bee himfelfe faith,Ic-is ·not good to giuc the childtens bread good &hsng :o.todogges ..;and fhaU wee thinke that hee will doe it ?Dotit God feede thefwine~ a_n.4 will he llarue the children? And therefore that which oft time& they t·ake for a difcourage– ment,that Atheifls,aAd propbane blafphemers, haue nwny to fpare, and carrie a f way, when ChrHli3tns bee inn1iferie, pinched withwant and neceffitie; that lhould ·bee a great incouragement to their f~_itb. For bc_e thedogges ·kept thus fatte and well liking? fure then ~he children,tbough they ·haue not things fupcrfluous to make them wanton;yedliall ·haue things necelfarie for their vfe and comfort. l~or the Lord isourhabitation,he is" SN»nt And fhie/J V111o v1. Tht ·~~r~will giNtgr"c' 11ni:lglirie,-f!ndno!'"~thing will he~ithholdfrom th~thatw~l~'flpriJhtiJ~ Pfalm.84.1 I. And thefe · things they haue byvcrcueqfGods couenant, and as teAi- - monies of his loue. And therefore,though their portion bee not altogether fo large: yet,a little that the righttsushath,u ln.ter the11 the troHb!~fome"'"'"dAnce ofthevngod!J,Pfal.37• 16.For they may fay ,the Lord ourGod hath giuen vs thefc things,and tbat in mercie.Therefore ifGodbe true and iull, .ifhe be the Lord ofhea-u·cnand carth,ifthey cafl the·mfelues . . and their truA vpon him, hcc will caH all things good and necdfarie vpon tbem, in the due and fit time: o-r.ifthey haue fome outwardwants, they fi1all be recompenfed with · inwarfl gracei, and better comforts. And thus muchfor the fifth Commandemenu, concerning the fpcdall dutiet of men inrefpeCl: of-their place 1 gifts.,and age.ThefixthCommandcmcnt followes. .. - f :i ,. .. The .. . . ( ' ...