Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. The fixth Comm4ndemmt. 2 ~7 'So ·oeur.·z4.14. ThoN fhalt not opp¥effi ,anhiredforNtlHt th11t ii ,ttdie and poore, thoufhaltgiuebun hirwages for hudaj., nei- · therfh<tllthe s~rmegoedoll'n.t vponii(fo'!' ht ~·poore,aatd there- ~th fo;-1Ainethhe !Ju !tfe)_lefJ.hecrie~g.tinfl thee to the Lord, · 1111d it !JeJinnc 'VfltfJ tbu. This is condemnedas anvniuH and ._ vnmercifull thim-g 1 that wheno,nehathhired a fer-uant todoe ·his worke, heic t11o~tld either giue hin.l n~wages, orelfenot g1ue it htm-in conuenient and due time, bur hce muH (eckc for ir,when liefhouldhaue vfe ofit for his reliefe. AndGo a faith there,iffuch anone be pinched with ncceffitie,an·cl cric -\'-ntoGod,he· will _he~re,and rcuenge his wrong. And /ob.(tG ' prot1e ·hiQlfelfenonyp:octi.te) vfeth~ln imprtcation cotu:er- ~ ·ning.~his fin~1~,in Ch~P·3 1~ 3 9 .that ifhe had ea~en .the. fruitcJ of~is11and without filuer~.afid had 11o~ paid ~d1e wages-eohitn that'tllle-~it,and bro.ught inhishar~e:fi; or ifthe furrowes of . his land had~ried, toge£her againHhrm; then let his ground beJaccurfe.d :·as,in:deetl,he an·d it had bot_phcetTgulltiethcr– o£: ifheh~d broi,\~n 'th'is:Oom·mat1deht~nt-·it~ ·~his h1gh·de..,} _gree.Ah'd;ifJiehad Honefo,thC'veryea·fthw·oi•lq hau~cric:d'-; ~ thefurr-owe~ ·~culd li~ute .mad'e a complaint againAhim.\For . t-yilofpeci?ll •fifin~s therebee-in the .fecond t a:ble;tnat ,nlake . ,theland, ~tie t-OGod,-thtt_l:ie ca·n.haucEasit:werc)'no r£:tl .vn.- _ tiJ~ beta~c!ve-~gt?a;n-ce; l:lte)~rie S·o·domi~t;4dd::.tb:e~othe.rjj.p.-.• preffi~n ~~d<rueltid.againtl·this~Comn1auEiemcnt~ Asafore: . ~l Deut::fo •i:nIA'm~s -hefaith; HiJwley:4 1 ric1i men: an.d why., :Iam.-J.T.f.. ~fiat mifede i-s' ~'et~e ? =Theirieilfthe:'pQiu~e, "QpprdTC'dby · 3 ·+ ·yo~ ~s-come- !fHnto t:h.e ea·r-ts: of. theLoul<lfhoafis. Whea~ o,f1e-gcu: hisgd<X!Is ~ f'<> ·:,u ; ~~d en~i~d:h -~imf~lfe bywith~ ; holdingothdtmen·s-aues, thoughdiem'3nHho.uldbe~ftlcnt i and fay nothing ;:ydt hisneceffitie,his belHe, and.his backe, · would mak~anhideousdutcric.before·God, tilLhehad executed ~is venge~nce_. And,for finning ha this brarich ··ofth_is .: tommandc_trieM~~p;iachim:·was blamed, Iercrri.l2.t g-. to ~ to~."vetfej ts:fo mucht·he r:athcr-ro.~be ~noteq, IJc-caufe · mofi men·thinkefrhat 'the ·.dignitie ofthepcrfons maynuke fome elGC~lfofer thei,r finne.::but ids not fo. For, ifanytnight' 'f~ th; lab'?u;r~£~n.etbt.r ~.fthout .reco~p~fl~e, thenmight: dk~tng'J ~v.l\b:til~fouer~igneLordofall ~ yet~ be,bdng .~ .- ;1· R4 . King,