Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

.. 2S • Kmg,is reprooucdby Gad for thig; He is charged, that hee o built his houfe witho_ut cquitic. How is that prooued?H~c vfeq his neighbour witheut wagcs,and gaue.him.not.for his -wotke•.. And for·this cJufe and his filthie couc:toufndfe,the · .Lord would not vouchfafe·. him the common.,honour of men, tobe col'Jeted ;w.ithearthwhen hee was .d~ad, but hee " ·fuould bee buried as .an affe, flript ofall her had, an.d then dragd without thecitie, throwne out,that hi! c~rc~Jfe . might be food for bea(is and birds. Andwha~ was hisctimc? cuen tpis;he did not reward the poore, but ferued himfelfe vpon them•.And thus this commandrment is brQken in omitting. the .works·ofmercie,and in not paying fufficicnt .wages, ana. induetime,to tho(e,to'whom,it is:dtJe.. ,. :·. \·.:. . ·The omiffion ofthe·dutie tQ fQule, is ~ither offupe– riours,or.inferiours.Offupcriours,6rHand chiefly oftheMi– niHer.Ifhedoenot prcach,and admonifuhis peopleplainly and f.aithfL1lly~he isguiltie ofmu.rthering& deHroyi_ng thejt. foules~ As in Ezek•3- 3~8Jfb~e:ultwuJHI/r p#·Dpleflj~blirfilintJ, . 1he1./h11ll die tn thtm, !Jilt tktirJ;fgua fll;~/J lle_e ·reqpirtd (4,t hue hand. And ifhe doe te11 them,thpugh they amc:11d not, he is. fice):·as Pautfaith,.,lam 'innoc.~nt ofthe·bloNd of ta!l"men,Ac'l.s., '-Q:. 2 6..and why?11ecailfo I haue ~t,ldyt~H. .~ll t.her:ounfollofGill-.. atu!~ptniJthing.f,~k!. So·fot.other g-ouernours alfp,. ~$ ·p:a•:·. an'd,maHersofifamities::i for ·eu~ry.m1u1 is ~H~(h~p .iJt; 'his owne.houfc. Forfo·irisfa'id, Deur:6:;·•Th111{0 lfrctel)~ fbft/t te'dch- ~hefithingsWttfJ thJ children; thq.~.fhi4ltta/ley oft hi.· &c.Tlio(~ ' thinhaue no care tot~ach ~hek-c_hjldr.en ft lld: feruat~ts to··know ,God.,o~r tocome toy wQt'd. Qfpo~,._wher:~; by they may bee{anctified, and :bro.tight·to{aluadon;Juc~ imbrue their hands iw.ith t;he bloudof:their foules,~ancl ~re guiJtie ofCtUelt~e:;becaufe tbrouglLtheir·neg}.igence, ~hey fufter thofe that are committed to th.eir charge, torun ' he_a~long_to their delhutlion.Such arethofe{~gainft.whofe fou~· thi<s eharg~ thaUJiehard at thedayofthcE..ord)that:neuer fo much as req'uire or perfwade tht-ir inferiours tocome to hcareG.odsW.Qrd,_~·nd tovfefuchcxercifes, as·.may incre-afe - theirknowledge; bucratherpc:.rJTtit, y.ea.incourage them··'to. . brc:ake tbe·: tordiSabh~h;an<J;· foolifit~~d . wi~.., ·· · · ·· --- - ·· - - ·· ~ . ·i" . .. •