Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

··breakthefirA;then at thofe that break the fecond-table: a'd / .a1wa1es that,tk,atdothmoR difpleafc God, and it-:tnollodi.... OuS ·tOhim,~u~he m?!fgrieuotis to vs. Al~d ytdet:oot the~ fun ne goedO·\vnev.pon it': but let it quk·ken vs' tO prayer,for thepcdon .;andtha~wi~h~ ·zealeof~o~sglory. · . · · ilules to ·Now, the-me~nes to.Keepe vs f~om th!s fool1f11 paffion of .m.r~e men rafh ang~r,aret·hefe : FtrH ofien to tnednate vpaneurowne · ,,flauenc. fm-ne an-d vileneffe. As Titu~:~;t;he faith,ShewaJlmgck_cntjfe , toallmen. Ye·a, but migh.tfo·me (-ay,theybdvinoward a'11d . .()ifobedie.nt, and I am ofa verycho~crick, and hot nature, that lc;annot but be angriew-ith tliem~But(faith_ hee)remem-· riJcr thatyouy(}ur fo!fc were_ alfo djfo/Jedrent: as if;he_£h~,4 : ,fay, Thinke of this a little, aQq con.fider !1qw'bad -fo~~ ; :{~Jfe b~t.h h~ucbeeq, ·an,d arQ Hill~- a-nd ·that ·\vill coole your ..choler,andmakeyoumore:tnecke toothers that offend. So ~that he,that oftenell remembers his owne finne, will bee .~:-~ ..,mofl padent to aitothe.r; ·and .rioa·eiireqlo·re,eagerandpaf- – '-flonate again:fl 1 the llips ofothers,' 'then thof~ that arCifllOft fla·cke· to examiric;tbeit ow.flegrtsat fiohes. so' that,could wee · confider)ourowne~offei1cesjhow rebellious· we haue been againAGod;andhowoften iniutious to n1euJ ~ ..this woul~ n1akevsmorequiet,arid to i:ake .more .dchber.aO.: . tjon before we.wer~o,fl=ended fo inuoh.without n~iglibouri : -itwiUaff~ge,eelay,and.takeaway~~e· e'dge. ofour._r~dhan-~ geragain!tttl1eweakeneffesofothers.·;. · - · · :~ _' : :a· C·Seoon·dly;··labour tb.,get wifedotne~aiwaies, and ineucry·. thing to beboldGod.s prouiden~e,to fee his band ·ruling e.!• uede.thingtnd u) .pr~fw.adeour feJues,that'all things co~e ... to ~{fe ~ according ~ to ·ni&.purpofe.and .dire6Hon: and then ;. we lhall dot-fofoanefr:et~againfimen. As D!e.uid,whcnSh~- .,. .mei raUed vponnim;«nd.-helooked.toGod,a~ddidnot fis:e ~his tyesdownward onely t.oShemei, it wa$ fo farrefrom di- ' flcm·pering~ano .<?uerheatinghim, that .~it ;·quickacd_--lii£!1 to~·praye.r, him fo much th'e.mor biunl>leandcarn.etlr _ !beforeGod. :Forhe.fawd1en(andfom~y we) ,[har·rbough ,. itbea~niuft with man, . yet ,it is iu!t vvith .God: and _;vborrgh~ -~~- .... ' ·we haue·not dek!rued .itat 'th-eir.hands, and fo ·theywrong~ · ~..~, yet haue deferueq that .at Gods bands, "nd. much. . - t _, .. - . . . - -~ - - . 'more