_more to; bee dot vs no ·wrong at all. . .~ .· . Thirdly,auoyd theoccaftons thatvvill p.rouoke vs to it.As.. men wiU keepe gunpowder, and tow, and fuch drie Guffe from<the fir~: fo let vs beas-wife to preferue our foulesfrem• tl:1of~ fpatkes,.thatwould fire themvvith ange~. As.,from the · . ~ompany offrowardperfons, whofe words and v-ngracious Preu-._2:1~ dealing will quickely n1oue one to paffion : .fromgaming 14 • 1 S• '" arid drunkennefle, that n1aKe me~ quarrell.and r.eadie t.o .£ght vpon euery light o_cc.afion.. As the drunkard faith;. · P~ou.2 j. 35! Thty h~tue fl rikfnme,!Jut1~t.llto it ~gaine. · . __ ·Fourthly., it.is good to matke an·dobfe~;ue th~fe that bee 4: :ft~ncd y.p .w.ith ~paffi~nate aoger, beholding _thdr counte-. nance,)howv:nfeemely and disfigured it is; how rttde their aCtions; how abfurd thdr words; -how bafe a.nd contemp:-· . tib.le all their behauio~r is~ and the fight Qft·his inanother, wil befome ineanes to makehim:lothe idn himfelfe. . . ~ - ' • • J. .• ' \. . . Lafily, conflder what tdlimony · th~ wor.dofGod giues f ' of this haflindJc, and offr.o\<Wlrci alldJnqui~t · pe.~fons ;--Anger rcft.r i'n,.the bofomc·offooltf~ Eucry time a man giu~s Ecdcf~t•llii.. ,. place to this Vtl_rt~ly p,aflio!J; .he_ r~1akes an,;C:?p~n .proc_laqJati- · ~ pn to all ~hat be; by, ofhb ownvfooliquie(fe. So m.uchf4-- -rje,fo much folly; themor.ecnafi~1g, thc~effe wifedome•. . He . that cannot rule himfe~fe, but muH br~ake out. ~-<?-hisowne flume vpon eu~ry Hght and fmalt.fJc~.afio~, t;e(}ifies to all .t;hat flan<.~ about b~m, that.-~~e hat~ no nu~knowledge.of , God,~o kno~l~dgeofhim(elfe)nC? found difcretion or fet..... )~.d order in hi~ h~art. L,et meq ~xc.ufe it. how theywill, it is thdr nature, and youmuLl gi~e~ the::m kaue: then you muft · giue vsJeaue to giue credit to Gods word.Jf.it·be. your na– ture,it is a,foQlilh natur.e_, and a-p_roud nature :·and if yo~J ~-- · . ucrcome.not this nature, you ~a~+ ;n~'ler be but a f~~~e in . : God~ a~count. Qh, but you mull beare wit~· v.J, .a~~ nqt ·· thin* fo hardlyofvs for our infirmities•.\Ve-Il: fo~etimes- .. men mayput ·v.p t~eir r~ging wi~hout replie,andbea~e t.h~ir fiormes with filenee: but it cannot bc,.buc fuch a~~an mufh .. c.a,ri_e the brandofa:foole; and he thatfees.bin},canno.t bnt·· . he.arC:t~i~ opini:on, th~t·hc is a·man witho~t wif~dome •. "He · :~.3lln.Ot.Ie~renc~ hi~ in his heart_,~e cannot,but ~cddz_that ·: •• J . tl¥k '