•r' thefayin_goftheholy6ho.A is true, A foole i11 t:t d4J uk.__nt~Wnt i·hy hil wrrfth .~ you can hardly find a fooles heart without :fome coales offretting and anger. And thefe b~ the meanes .· ·tokeepe one from this_firH inward breach E>fthis comman– ··dement; vi~. from caroall, Belhly, and fenfuaJlailger that · , comes from the diuell,hardcns our brothers heart mor~,and .hinders our felues from d0ing the good;that elfe we might, .·andfhould doe. · · · Bauie. ·· The fecond breach ofthis fort,is enuy :whichis, a hitter . a'tfe6lion, againfl the profperitie and the p.reheminenceof another. An hatred ·of our brother, for. fome good thing : i:hat hebath, which we would haue, but cannot.· Thus the ,diuell was a murthererfrom th~ b~ginning, in that he car– '·ried fuch an enuie to our firll parentsby reafon of their good · .eAate,asthat he neuer refted,till he had brought them into .'asbad cafe,almoA as himfelfe. Thus alfo KttiM bred enuie ·fo long in his heart,till he praelifedthe flaughter ofhis bro– . ther ·with his hands. For he ·carried fuch a malice to him in :his heart, as that he could not aftord himagood wort! or ,countenance. And wha~ was the matter? His brother was .liked ofGod and better accepted, then himfelfe. But whac ,fault had he done ·? This was all, God loued him bettcr,for he was more holy and vpr~ght. But indc~de a proud hcarc ; .thin~s afi loll,thatcome~ not to .it (elf~. So lo(eph1 bre.thren -earned a froward affe£hon agamtl hun, and gaue himall ·~· churlifh lookes,wordes,and intreatie; And how had lofeph ~effended them? what wrong hadhe~done? what euill had .he fpoken or praCtifed? Surely none~ But he behaued h1m.. :felfe fo well and honef.lly,that his father did efleeme ofhim, :and loue·him better, then any ofthem: and therefore they ·· tf>oke great fcorne, that any fhoJald bee preferred before ·them in their fathers fauour. But, had not bee deferucd it,? They will not-confider ofchat they cannot endure:.that their ·father lhould Ioue any better then them :and therefore they ,will make him away. · Now howgrieuous a 6nne this is, .it will appeare, ifwee .confider the caufes and effc&,;. ofi t. The are-, ·pride, and abundance of felfc-loue, -but exceedingwant oftrue . . ~~ ' . '