Joue. For loue e·nuies not: but felfc-loue and 'pride would haueall themfd\Jes, and thinke that they ar_e wronged, ifan t.Ccr.tf4 other haueanything more then they. Then theeffea that it •-t-· . bring£ afr~r it,is,actuall inorrher,ifit ·bee poffible, as in the former-examples: and the Pharifics (who when .th$~:~.egitl! to beare a grudge againH Chrill,bec~ufe h~ l}~d:'b;Outier gHls · and more account amQng the people, t~e:n ,~hey kad) could•A. i . not bequiet till rhe:Y had nailed hhl} to tneCro{fe.-. The en-. m~~~: ell$ · uious perfon alfo is a twoft>ld munhere~,and kill,es afier a :dou~le . double fort. For, fidl hee hates his brother-for thofe -good• mu erero . gifts,in loue fo tnuch the more:,.. (tor,~s Go.ddorh·giue ·.more ·graces toa:ny:ooe, & fo i'hewes·· . his loue more Vl.'l£0 hirh ,;•fO is it our dutie, ·both t01bee con.:.· ·tented withGodsdea.Jing)as affo to f.hew -our·.loueahd kind~ - nefle the mos:e,.becaufe 6od Chewes his). but now hec hates~· . him for this caufe: andhe that baleshisbrD.,her mhis het~rt;u!·1oh+~ · ll 'fiM.njlayer. . ·· · · · , ~ - · ,.:_ ~ .: ··; - . · - · 1 _: . · .• Sccopdly, he is alfo a-nnntnercr ofhi~fdfe ~~ for.E~sie u~Bt~l4oSO ' ther9ttint;. 'Ofthel,ones, hee eate·s vp;hifowne·hcart,!arH.I}m-' paircs his owne flrcngth .. Andthetefore,i:l~Sthe dt~nkar.d~n'Cl~: .1~. glutton is a munherer, bccau{e hee ·we.aken.s ·hi,mf~lfe:.and,; hurts his bo·dy with exceil~;f<i>he.thofe~ alfo., · fi!d a£fcetion,do·drie v.p·their bloo·d;.atlJ cm1furri~ r;.~e'f~ow1i~: hones. Kai11e fet his'cnfeltte on worke)fhfl ·iri~hi's (4tA' ne ,@·o~ . die:', and was vnnatura11.againH bim_fe~fe; an~ ~fter a-ga~ntf his brothc,r. :~irH,.bygr.tjdg~t~g a11d repif!lhig;h~ -~'3·~.~ :l 1 1·im.. - ·V· -. felfe firke ;dufigun::d tns count{Jn~nce,m·adc hlm.fdftJooke,r otn.4"'f-'~· p-al~ and 't,VJl11l<:',-bi.s .face; W~S cafl dow1re-; ·· his ·'I'Tl~ at:r.Qw ·. hej gan to confume a.nd watte: and then he:fellto take his hro..:..-- thers hlood,for amedicine to eafc hisp-aiiic.Ah enuiol1$ per~· fo:n ~u~hicofmun_her t~wo vvaie,;: Firfi; for hatinghis-·, brq~e·r ,~A· Homhe 011ght to loue as-hin1fe.Jfe. Srcory'otyl' bY: · ente.naini~lg fuch a fretting~ ~anke_r; ~h~t ·catnh ,vp his,~ oW,._pe:: borlte ;wlnch~be ou.ghtttb~f>tefenle• . --. :;, ....., ,,... . - ~1.·.:':.. . ··'r-;low the way to· keepe-0~t-this monHer,is te;· get'Jl'O.:re ,()J~f €hari·tie into 'our heart ::fot,vhen-we a. re arm·ed and fenced a;:·Rernediit?) giittl.i:rq>ining·:-at ~noth'l:w·f(Qo~; • . \Vhe.n] ib'~H- y·eu· haue ;a~aga~~tt·' 1. . . . t- , , J , t: 1~ , , b' t ., ·, .,I enui... - Qll:rtg·.ffiO.bret~_ruGlgt--3~··U(:Jj 'l'l.llocs cautie.) goods.;'·go<>t&, ... ' + .. -· .. · nanle» J