. •i'larne, or· fuch like?When will \the thinke her chifde doth ~·;too .well,andbe forie becaufe he is in fo good an eHare?Sure~ :ly neuer. And why?becaufe fl1ce loues him. And this is a Jmcklet againG all enuie. So much for the inward breachei ~ofthis COinmandement. The outwardfollow•. ~Dird:1ine. And ftrtl byget.lure,by. anydifdainfuU and·fi·oward aCtion . fnlnea'e . or behauiour,done to defpight;grieue or.contemne ourbro~ -Mac.s.u• . ther. As,ChrHl condemnes the fayingofR4cha,which isnoc·– .·a word fignifying any ill name~or r-eprochfull tearme, but a .cutted~nfwere,.iayned with a fcornefuU and contemptuous ·bebaufour; to dif.g.race .our brother. As ifone tbould fay; What,you fir ?or fuch like: when-the vntoward difdairtfull ··cariage ofthe bodie,__co grieueotu br-Other,makes it afinneG And fo,. the wicked perfons firll pra6Hfed murchcr again!l SttiJtn, in their geGure; for they gnathed ehcir teeth ac him. And fo,Luk-'t6.:t4· when Chrifi had fpoken againfl coue- ,;toufnefle,then thePl1arifics, and fo manyas '•r.J.erccouetnus, {nu.ffed at him~they w-ouldbaoe hhn know that they fcorned to be,conrrolle&by .him~and therfore theymakebut a puffe · ~4r.. at him and his fennon. And {o lacohwas driurnaway from ' , ,Lttfllln, by his .euill and :hard ,countena nce,. and cariage of himfelfe,fo.rheecould not lookevpc nhim in pea.ce,as at o-. ther times; but his vifage was fo v' 're and lo•,"ning(as /ttcDf1· -faith to his wiucs) and therefore he could tarde withhim no .longer. · · . · And this isfo much the worfe,-ifit be in an inferiour to. ·Wards a fuperiour. As ifthe-childe or the \-\rife Jball :lharpea ;their face, and looke frowninglyand ma1iciou0y vpon th~ -parentsor husband; this is a great offence: and how eucr ..they mayaccount it a·fmall matter; yec thofe,againHwhom jt is dane, feele what griefe it brings, and that they could withmore eafe fuffer a blowofanothcr,thc.n{uch a dogged_ ;!ooke.ofthem. ·Firfi then, weare.forbidd.en here-to ·grieueothers,by:,£f~' ~rying ·our.feluC'sin .countenanc~ and ·behauiour ruddyl~~:d·. ;vngJ~acioufiy towards them. Secondiy in word,by ~ proao~. {king te.armes, Cl$ ChrHlf~ithsMatth.J•.z 2. Ht thA-t calles-'hM. ·· · l-th~r,f•,~i4 ~w1hi1 ~·61J•ifh'&J,w;thhdtflr,.:And fa•if. -~- · ·~ ·.. ·· - ··-- --~ ----- -- -. . ·- .. . '-'.. ;~ ;~.Cot~ .... . ~ - ~ • f, ~· _, .• ,.