Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

eye t therefore hefhall feele himfdfehoyv linaiJ a thlng it is. Hee ma.kes it a fmall thing to cut off a legge .or an arme; well,ifhe like itfo·well, he tballm~kc triall in himfelfe how good Which ~1ewes alfo, that God doth exceedingly ~ hate thl~ boldne!le ofmen.. to runne -vpon their brother in Rcuenge· reuen·ge. '" . ... . . ·mentwhat Ar-1d that weemay the bcrtter fee the vnla\\lfulndfe·of this ~v~oh~g a ·Mnne of~euenge, coufiqcr what wrong it ~oth vnto·the par:.. .tie,andvnco ~od,,and t<: himfelfe that would be remmged·. ;firH,contermng the perton_on whom he fee'kes reuenge, he tak~~ ypon· hit~ t.o pu?i~.hi~; - "':ithout any callingor ~u.thontte,and therefore ts lntunous.1Buc,may ·not I do torhun .ashe did to metN.o: QQd giue5 no!fucfu, allowance, ~s,Hoe a~wewouldbe :cdne :vnc·o :. ther"fatc 'one goes 'be· ·.y~nd his:Com)miffion~· and·caufedoth itifur:ie. Tben, tohimfelfe hee · do~h .wrong;that fc(.kes ieuerige: forit'im- , bitters: his.enemie~more, and·. rna:keSi 'hi~ morc: .madagainfl ~-:· . him.•.And thetlhe:i:;nll>tf~r<fto~fpaed bec~erjbot h~tnayget .. 4 - 'J- ·: morehtwtt~·himfelfe: ~ndii.,he bet'oo ~rong for th~~other, : . .·: y.ethehates· hi~_ mor:e,and-Watcnes:to doe him ~'mifchiefe• .~. :·:! And bdides, he Ll~i,ps ~himftlfe of ,G:;.ods prot'ection, henei:.. · : ,·,_ .\ercan· pf.a~fot ahloffing,aoiha~e~~blcffin ·g; bec.aufe:he is Piaim. ~r. out ofGods difencti:: ; he pro•nifcol(no t~e~ter., neithet~doe :·pis·AJ'gelswatdtouer hiro th~t isout ef his :w.aies. -~T.he.refore h·cu fuhiea, eithertohurt :another;and~ fo imbitter .him n1ore,or·to ·bee hurcby'ahother, and thctf•hee hath,no · ~.omfort: forlier.ann4~nte: his1owt1edangi:tydnd: fougllthis · bwno,harme•· li .• J ·'~;;sh2"}{··;··:·>·· ·' · r. wr ~~~: ~\L~- . . .LafHy, he ~rb~1g~· God·mdfl of all, for ~e:t:r'kes his· ~ffite ·OU't ofbis hand~fo:uGod. hath .faid;Veng't'IJNcei.rmin~;~ndJ ;'-·19 will repay. Who m.a.deyou a MngHlrate tocak~Gods r~:min~? What com.miffion .tod.ayhands·vp-on his.iinage·? Bu~ ua ftfff~r.·thi~,J:tee .wduld4l~ares ;bem-erlHhg and quar– relfome;lfhould not h~ue 'tmy!qui'et:byhim~ DlifGod fairh, l will repay. Thi1~k y.ou;God 'hath lefrgoucrrtit')g the·wotld? . ..or is he.e.aHeepe) that .he--cannot fce.thefe .troublefomeper- .. • ,···:fans? .or dorh ·he w~nt iufliee_, or~power,tha.t hee c~nnot~: er_ ,wiJ1.ncat punHh thept f'liffi~Jei1il y~ but.-1ou:rhuft·nccdes rulb ~ ··: vpon