vpon the ,bench; and ~e plaintifle,Iudge, a»cl cxt(:_~tiort~r yourfelfe?~ay,you do God great,wrong;~e ha.th fa1d,I ~11 -db it, ancl wtll you prefumc to flep oeforehtn~,and fay,I wtll dokmy'felfe? But, God is fineH eo rewardand reuenge in– iuries: for he is not partiaU, and he tries the hearts, and fees ·ail circumfbnces why hee hated you, how long, an'~ with what mind he did thus,and thusvmoyou_; and he alfo can ·' ·and will proportion the punii1uncnt to the fault: whereas · (commonly) ifmenmight carue to rhemfelues h~ere, they would cut a oreat deale too deepe, or elfe bee too (paring• .B.u;: fith G·oJ'cando itin bell time, in bdt meafur/~, andin :befi manner,and hath faid hewill do it, what fhould youdo .medling with reuenge,vnleffeyoL~wil hur,cyourfe~e,wrong "' . _· another,and lhoulderGod out of hisplac~? , ' ssectet: . \ ; - ·Now,foraCl:uallmurdcr,itiscither( Or ·. · .,.· ( · · · Open. · 1 : ' . Secret bypoyfon,or fome cunningd.eui'ce, fuch as was t.A'- AtluaJI halu. He would nor openly murther NaGDtb,lbut yet he let~ m~~der. 1 /e{(,6e/hauehis ring,andconfents to,and conceaJes the Olat• t. m,~a • ter ofthat curfcdandbloody feccli .againR: ·Nauorh.The· fore _ tne·hbly-GhoH tearmes ;Aha6no better than a' murde·rer. In 1ike cafeDauidwould not flayVrt4h, withhis ownehands, l.Sam.••· nor by the hands ofhisfubiecls, but he puts:him in the fer... . lornehope, cafiinghim,in fuch aperill, that hee could not · efcape;and that ·alfowithadefireofhisdeath; aod .then by ,this plot hechou·ght to couer all: but Godhath difcouered, both tohimfelfe, and to thewhole World, that.Dauidw~s guildeofmurder•.But rhe grofleft, and moH barbarous of all i_s, when one doth~with his owne hands,openlyand wil.. ·Jingly take away the life ofa.man. ·); This iscohdemned, Gen. 9• 6. Thou jba!t not'jbeadmttlll /;food~ The reafon is added; -For he 'W,umade in the lm.~ge gf God. This istherefore to deface Gods Image, and as it were to raze the Princes piCtureandgreat feale. Ye~, this thing is fohatefull Vt?toGod, that he commands, that if a beaHE~od.:us llay a man,he m·uH be flainc,andhis flefh not eaten. · ' · , ~QW,ifGodwould haue-abea{l flotied·that flaies- ~man, ''~ · ,_ S . · · although ·