although hehaue neither law, nor reafon to rcAraine b,im : much more thofe,worfe thebaalls, that hauingGods'Com7" mandement,and humane reafon tohold them-b2cke, yet by thefe barres cannot be kept in fi·om violating the Image of God,and fpoiling the lifeofa man.Befides,they haue feene how il1 murderers haue fped. As Cainf, what a curfe, what a brand did God fet v"pon him,that he was alwaies a runagate ·and avagabond,and could find no refi vpon the earth? And Numb.3-5 ·33· it is fa id that the land is defiled by bl~od, and cannot be made pure, but bythe death ofbim that was the mur-derer. - . Now this i$ fo much more vile, by how much they bee neerer bound in any linke or bond to him that doth this wrong, as a brother the brother; achild the father; the wife the husband, and fuch like: This makes the fin a great deale more hainous anti odious. But n1ofi monJlrous and vnnatu– rall ofall is ir, for one to Jay violent hands vpon himfclfeJto whom he is boundbyall bonds. For though one beneere tO father and mother,&c. vet himfelfe is motl neere to himfelfJ and he ought to haue n·1of~ care of himfelfe: therefore for , one to rend his owne foule and body afund er, is mo@ hot:ri· b!e and breakes moil bonds ofGod and nature: and·this no • .. # beafl will do. Sometime they-will te~re ·~ nd gQar~, one another; but no beaH was-eurr in {uch extrcmidc of paine or rniferie, as that he would rage again!l himfelfe.) and feckc to depriue himfdfe of life. ~And this is noted of moH i.m.– pious and defpcr3te perfons, as lud.u and tt/.[~hiroph_t,, whieh·were firfl barbarous and cruel! to others, and then . at the length they turned the point ofcruelty,_againfl them-- fel'les. · · . · Therefore this lhould make vs pray to God to pr cf~ru~ ·vs from this higheft d~ grce of murder., and moll h.a!n'ous and execrable cruel tie. For, the caufe.that one gt:owes 'f9 this (more thenbeaflly) rage and cruelty againll his avvne 1 bodie,is firll amonflrous pride,that bewillnot beat:.U)vn– ~f1~~~Qf leffe he may be as he lifl himfelfe: he will not fi1bmi't hiQ'l:~ ~"'~sfelfe. felfe to Gods will.SecondlyJvnbeliefe; that he hath nofa:!til ~ ,in God~ norcuer loQkes for a good Hfue out oftrou~les. r .. ,· • - Thirdly I .