Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

Theflxt hCommt~ndement. '". 269 Thirdly(vfually) from excreame crueltie to others: as Sa~tl• J when bee had been bloodily minded againf:l the Priells of God,andDauid; he·e his confcicnce fo fierce, as that it ·fctvpon himfelfc, and wreaked his owne tee'ne on hisowne bowels. And .Achzt~phcl was cruelly bent againHDauid,and caricd an earncfi thirHing afcer his blood,aud then allength . he fell to bee a,sJilminded towards himfelfe, when he was once croHofhi~' purpofe a·od defire. Now let v.s labour to kcepe'our fclucs from enuy and hatred_, and take heed of re– uenge,and God willkeepe vs fi·ommurder.· He that.makes conldence and prayeth againtl the lea!l, fh.all keephtm~dfe fafelrom falling into the greatefi. Thus much for the . forbidden in .this·Commandement. · The thing commanded generalJy, i~ to louc the welfare and fafety ofour neighbours foule a~d body, :ts our owne: and the particular duties that in it are giuen in charge; are either inwaul oroutward. The inward are two, n1eeknc:ffe · . and compaffion•.Meeknetfc is a milde,quiet and louing dif- Mcekcn~• .pofitio.n ofthe heart, and a kind and c·urteous affe8son to our neighbour. This is commanded, Ephef.4. 32. Bt7' conr.. ttiHI one t1 11n1therand tenderhta.,.ted. Thiscourtd1e hee oppofcth to anger and bitternes, which bee had named in the · 1 former verfr, as breaches of this Comm~undcmc:nr. And there be reafons why t.nen fi10uld carry tender and ·meeke aftetl:ion toward their neighbour. One may be that, which 'is faid, Ifa•.s8.7. HideNot thy felfe fr6m thineorrnejlefh. Wee ,haue oneGod, one Father, ·~nd are (as it were) one bodie~, and thereforemuil be like·affec1ed one to another. as members ofone body.An~thcr reafon is, I. Pet·3·4· ~ '\\Joman .•fa meek! fPirit ~~· muchfit by ofG~Jd. That which is particu– larly applied to the won1an is true ofthe man; that vvhofoe– uer is ofameeke and quiet fpirit, hee is in high account and Jauour with God_ and hi~ Angels. As ~onrrari~ife,a froward andcontentious perfon (be he as conceited ofhimfdfe as he · will) is bafe and contemptible in the eyesofGod,and of all Gods childreR. - .. Now, the branches and parts ofthis tneckn~s,are;firfi,to fo~giueone another: .as in the placeoftheEpbefta"s before, t . · S 2 B1 ·.