Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

peace,iolte a peace-ma~e~ ,to ~udy topreferueahd to main~ tainevnityand loue, as tt ts fatd, P~al~3,4·I 4· Seef;.! peac~ and ffJll~w it: as ifhe !hould fay, Peace ts a tewell mG~l prectous, which ifone labour for,; hee n1ay find, o~herw1 fe hee cannot. , ··yea bur will iome fay,How can Iget it? it flees fromme. I would faine be friends and he will not: I ofter pe~ce, and .Jdndnes, but he is froward, and I can Bndno good intreatie at his hand. \'Vell,yet follow after it: though it run fl·omyou fora while, purfueHill, ~nd atlength you fhall find it; and ,,that to your great cotnfort. . ·, - .' Now th('n,amanfollowes after peace,when he auoids all when a things that might breed iarres, and miniHer occafion of of- 1 man fol- e d . · ows • fence. For many there bee, that woul fe.erne Jcfirous of peace,and tohaue men thinkewcl ofthern,anrl dealekindly with them: but they care not how theybehaue themfelues, arid< wh~t theydo to qffend and grieue euery one;and to Air them vp againH them.B.ut kindneswil doe euery thing, that may winne peace,and auoid all things that may hinder it,or breed flrife : yeahe that is trulymeeke,will rather,inmauers belonging tohimfelfe,part with hi>own right in fon1e part~ · .iind be content rather to ~ant fomet·hing· that is due vnto hirn,than he will raifevpcontention and Hrife. And he that cloth not t . us J is not truly courteous, and thereforealfo not much f(>t byofGod. ~ · The iecond. inward dutie is compaffion and pitie. The Compaffi: fornie( belongsand is to bc:e performed to all men, ·cuen in ti:.and pt• .titnco(th.c:ir greatefl profperitie: but this is proper to thofe · that are in fome affliCtion and miferie. Now this compaf– li<?nand mcrcie is to haue afellow-feeling of the griefes ef l>"ther men, towe_epewith them that weepe, tomournewith the(n that. mourne, to beare the burden's of them that bee weake, ,and fo tofulfill the lawofChritl. This is commaun– de~,Coloff. 3.1z. N''W therefort :t~. the-e/ell of God, holy aml /,efoHtel, pHt o~ the howe!J· ofmercy.Heewiilieth them, as they ~ould beefurce.ftheireletlion, and .haue a found noteof their'h<?l,indfe~ a!lG that Godloued them, foto put on the bowcls.of n1ercy~let the1niferyofother 1nene11ter into their S 3 hearts 1