• he~rts, ~nd make their bowels yearne, cucn as, ifthe care were thetro·wne. · . . . Now this compaffion and feeling mull·bee both to the foul~~ and bodies. As for the foules wehauean ·example of ChuH ~efi•s) t_hat feting thepeople as lheep without a lllep– heard1 man hard cafe for matters of their foules, bee had comp~ffion and mourned in his foule for them. A.nd fo hee wept ouer le-rufolem, whenhe faw them fo fiubborne and: {o to refitl the gr~ceofGod, and the good meanes of their peace. And Pau/faith, z·.Cor.z.-4. when heheardofthe in– ceHuous tnan, he Wfote·vnto thctn in many. teares, and in much forrow, alino!l as ift.he lione had been hls owne~ ·But contrary to this,is themercilefle and pitilcffe behauiour and heart offuch, as are fo farre fi·om weep-ing and mourning. for the finnes ofor-her men;, and fremhauingany pi tie vpon t-hem ;·as.that theydefpifcand cofltemne :thetn; and ma.kc a.iefHng t~lke of it to their difgrace, rathe.r ·.then:·pray·for them or grieue for them,to their helpe_ and amendment.'¥ea and vvorfe then that, many be fo diueilif411yminded, and fo r.efemble the diuell their father, as.that nothin,g roioyceth themmore; than to heareiof~t1others fall: :efpeciaUy~, ifhee hauebeen a ·profefJor, and Hood for. religion: .then if hec flippe 1 it is fuch good ncwes, and makes-them fo glad, asif they hadgottena greatbootie. Bur, little doe theyknow, , how they finne againll their owne foules, and how t-hey · prouokeGod to let them fall into the fame finnes,; P{ to- ~' giue them vp t-o worfe offences, that then they may finde · the fame intreatie,:and others thould reioyce and moc;kc: ac their fall,as theyhauedone at ,the fall o£another. And: in•. deed a.pitildfeheart.and dealing towardsother mens- -flip~.t __ .~ is.thenex.t way .both to make themfe-Iues-fa.Uinto th~ - lik~ . fin ne, antl,alfo to ffiut v.p the hear-ts ofm~n from tb~w_it:t<g a~ ny compaffionvnto them•.Alfo for matters ofthebody;.~Q mufl be touihedwith.thegrie(es ofothers: ,a_s-ijebr. I 3. ~· Remem~er.thfl[e thatareafjltfleel, M ifyeewere a!fo 1tffliCleJ: - . andwe mu!lbc .-as·.the membersofope body,.~low we~npwthat the members-, bee all partakersofthe1a}ne gri:efe aog ,· naine~ Ifanyone (yea tiut th~mtandt)fuff~c apy-thing; th~:= ,. . tc!l· . \. . ·~