· 'rhejixth ·· • ~7f. reftal(o,,arepartaJ<ersth.er.ebt:: andfo if:we'e .baue . tbatlou~ · that .ouglktobein1 rhe·~earcs ofChriftians, w.e ~n.notchufe .. bucfede(in fomeparc)tl1e affiietiotls . ofChriftians~And this the exampleofIoln frielldi Olew~th.Iob 2.1 I. It is faid tha.t ' hauing:hcard ofthe miferywherinto ltJ!J was fuddenly call, they. came to bimJ not as c.ommon cuflome is,tobidhim be Ofgoodcheere, and ~\'CC hope you{hall doe well: but they came to lament with him, they wept with him,. and rc;nc theircloathes, and fate do~· newith himmourning. They . ' ' ... : (hearing their friends woe) would let him know that they. were tamchedwith it, and therefore they i11ew it by tnour– riing,and'fittingjn thedutl, making .his cafe the.irs, fo oee ..re as'lllight be•.And ifonebe thus throughly and fenfibly affe.. The good lteth:Vith ·other mcnsforrowes:chis goodeftetl: will follow~~:.: fe~06~1 .that they will be very ready and willing to relieue them, and ble feeling d 1 ~ h A ·f b bl .J ofothers o.worKes ot mercy to t · em. · s t one part ee trou Cg miferie. witl1 .ac.hcandpaine, you need net make a long. oration·: td. flirre Yp the·other parts, to vfe their beffmeaues tocafe .and helpe it, for th~y are partakers ofthe griefe. · · · · .. .Butfor~antofthefebowels ofmercy,. it comes ,to p~ffc, tha~ men bee fo hardly drawne and haled to any work<; .of mcrcie, .that it muft pee pull~d fr:om them by, maine .firength; and fo manyarguments, fomany reafons,. fo m~- ·ny inducements ·muH conHraine them to it, before they :will yeeld: and then, when all this is done, they be!low·a .thing ofno value; nolhing to the purpofe. And thofe that ·b~ _bountifu:Uand ·liberall enough in matters .oflu(l and v.a... . ·wtie,-bee fo fparing inworkes ofmercy; that one .canbard;.. ,, . *''> . ly:wringapennie fronuhem_, byall r:he perfwafionshecan mak~ .A.nd wh~.t is the caufe they bee fo flow andvnw~lling ·? _B.ecaufe _chey neither haue J nor will haueany fen{e -ofother . ·mens mtfencs, .but put away all confidcration; :and regard .of ·thefe things,. and giue thfrnfelues wholly to.ple:),fure. And in thofe matters which will co!l them many tea,rcs, and briog .them no good he-reafter, but much forrow, they ~are :llot how farre they run,and 'what chargesand expen fes they brc at : but for workesofme.rcy, a1td duties ofcompaffio.n, :tl}at.will fu.. ther their teckoning, and ccmfott their foules, S 1and