Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

~14' · . CDmt~Uniltmtlll. - anddo ieod to theChurchand SaintsofGod, they come efffo Oowly and fo heauily, as though all were lofi, which is that waybe~wed. An~ the reafon is, becaufe theybaud · anheart tnerctle[e and votd ofcompaffion. Amia~Ie Now the outward duties follow : and they are thr-ee in behaulout·. number fpccially to be regarded-. The firll is anamiableand louing bchauiour ofones felfe towards others. For, as a fowre Jooke,and anat1Here conten1ptuous gellure, breakes this Commandement (becaufe it alienates mens affettions fromVi_,3nd is apreparatiue tohatred) fo it is afruit of loue, and a part ofkeeping this (:ommandement,that one fhould byall good and gendecarriageofhimfdfe, t11ewhis readi• neffeand willingndfe_to doe good,fo neere as he can, .~o aU, And t_his is aihrog noted in ~hraham, as am~tter ofcorn• mendation,and a tdHmony ofhi$humble and louing heartj That where he camehe was verycourteous to all me_n, euen Infidels, men ofa falfe religion, and djd ca~ry himfelfe in all good fort vnto them• .As, when hc:e had 'to?deale .wit-h the lfittites : -Full hee beweshin:ifdfe in all co'urrcous·man~ ner, and then his worcls were gentle, and all his pcrfwafi~ns milde a.n•d kinde : ·and when they :willed :him tG buryhis dead~ in· ~·~y-of-their£epulchres,he·giu-esthem.hearty·t·hanks; ahd with theJike co,urtefieand g?,od fpeecli M iafore,~ prlt>-~ · pou·nds his requefl. -And this gentle •clh:a-ling fo winne– the hearts ofthefe He-athen people, and ma•de him fo we-11 efacemed and ac<ounted ofam~ngfi then, as t-hey fay 11e him, thou ai't aPrinceofGodamongil:vs, -and·wooldofeny ~Gca.18.. him no.thing. ·And fo when he met-with theAngeb, :w:bit:h -he tooke for rio other but for cominon·cr.auailers; he faluted them,bowing his boay in all humblefort, gaue them goo~. tearmes,and called them lords, and inrreated them to eatea n1orfc:1l with him. And by this·affab1litie ·andkind._vfage of himfdfe,-hedid •t1ot onl_y - getfauour~nd good ·aocotuu:with . tbem amongwhom he liued, but bathgorten credit to tilis _day, ~n<!l fhalhoch·e-worlds end; that beingaman offuch w~rth a-ndgood deferr, fo well grace-d, and ·of fuch-place : andwcalth;allthis did not make him fowre, careldfeorld~f, dainefuU :_but hceJbew~d l}imfelfi:,kind and~miabla) eueh ~ . : , . tO . '