Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

eo themeaneR. For indeed 'proud ~-~d- J~au~y Joo}!es, . ~nd .3 ~· fcprnefullapd dif~ainfulleye, arc; .fuch thjngsJ~S God -ab-: -; hors,ashefpeakes,Prou~p..:I7• • · ·"'· .~ .· . . '·. ~ . But.we fee.on the c?ntrtny fide, that many doe. this ~ovv !~;ff!~ · for thelr credtt,and thtnke to beeHcemedby looktngh1gh :, bebauiour• asfwaggerers and ruffians, that haue no grace in them, nor : outward thing to ,cemmend them..Thefe2bie&- bafe per-: fons, the f~ummeand froth ofall the earth,.rude in . b~ba4i.;. our, wicked inheart, and careleffein life, tbinke, ifthey can looke big, andcarrieaproudandadifdainfull face; and·ouercrow.euery tnan, and carefor npman, fcorne their bet,y tersand ·preferre the~felues before all,.t·h:(n forJooth ~h~y beme.noffomen~me, they fu.allbeaccounte(,'iof, ana theybe~oqhy to be lo<>kedafter. Theythinketo get credi.t b}" . contemninge,uery body, an<! t.o beehad iJ1 .accoun·t byma~ kin,g ooac.count ofany. This is their courage, ·this is their val~ur, apq t~~:Y .Ih~u~ nothingtograee themfelues with) .butthis k,in41.~f ru·~~neS:J But irt truth:this ·difgraceth ~1?4 difcredit~th them, thi$ p.·rodaimcs the.ldhame, andibewcs that.t_q~ybe li.ght;.~ndemptie.ofall ~goodnes-:: and thP:U~h they, had mapygo9dpart.sotherwif~, yet this would bur,ie .~JI:.A~d tlla~e~.the_11J· Cot1tem,ned in-cu~ry:maAshea.rc an.$1 ;eie, be~c~1;1fe 'theybee f<? fc~;uqfuUaad~te~p.t~otis tQ euefi~· one. Thi~ wa.s l[mlf-4.(!. kind oflife,his handwas :againtl~uery man,h;e.reg~rq~-d-JlOt~~;i10r¥,.bUt{et tb~m. ~Il !( . :..depanc.e. ~n~alt)nought ': !herefore euery:mans ha-ndwa~ -a..gainH h,imft-h~yfe c ~.~s.Mg~, ~·b,y ·hhn:·: tltul.thefe,· ~Ub hatt~ ap :l{rJ?.IIill';rf;yv~r,.tJ.,> :e~e-ry 9}1fj~Ehf·itfp:ejat!ld e~ery :one fpe~k~s .oftheir .~iJlmq = ~C\nd ~lr~~hau~ they :g.otrtOJl~?:Fer du~y .,that.w.illP.&,and,d~cy tbatwill bekindlydeal~ wj~hal·l~fflu{}ve~ale:~it1d-ly whh ocher.s.He that l()oks– .. fo~~n am~r~ -i¥~ta~.~ro~ir·;t;'rQtn. Q~hers, anuHfhew an ami•· ~le:\J.ehilA:J~pqJ} #f~~r:~pr~, .,.,>". ~ ·. :... .·~ . ':·• ~he fecoij.d ;<}Ut·y is tod~fend theoppJJetfed,.aad fuccour thofe that fufter wrong~; a·thin.g much c<>mrnended· t , in lob, that he pulled thepr.eyoue~fthe.Lions mouth, ar1d. fought out.thecaufc.Gfthe poore, he was afather to the fa.. t~ed~ffe~~ndhusb.and_to the widdowa And this did ~om- ., I fOrt, ' \.