Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

;u TJ'1'fl'laTI4~et.71tt.7t.• fort'h,im i~ 'tilbeqf his trouble, tt1o~e th-en all ~he we:tlth ia th~ wofl<f. -Tht~rir ttdtnmanacd;~~r&u:.2~~· tt.-Deliilir rhe-t;i • y ' that are JrJtw~e todtath,~n_dw,il.f.,)tei.Jth'oiidtliuei' ·them·that ar.J. . ~. ,,··' . .lt4~ tti'/Jefl~ine! lflhbufor;" 'Et'?bYd' r lz~qw it iitJt ;· lseth~rt pon- .. ~ ., · .... ~ .,Jereth ·thi hea'i't~-,r}.otl~ n_ot he ~-~derJtand_ ~t land heth~t /zyep 1 1: , thyfoule ftnowes he~- ~~ not? tvtfl hee~ not alfo recomtrl'nt-eelierii man·aCCDrding to huWfJr~t? Hefhewes, ·cha·t if vvte fee thofe that be ·vnrighteoufly ·drawne 'fo ;death ·ind ~ppr~(ft;d, ·wee mutlnot fland byandfay~ Al ~s who tuer faw fud1 ·a wodd as 'this is?whoe!Jc" faw fuch dealing? but"wce mull put to ourhdpi~ghanlt,and labour, toour power aud as far as we t .a-o 1toref~ue}f{em and ?el~uet them.= for (faitii'~e) wih no~ thou.J>i'eferuethem ~ 3:s ·1f'h~fuould ·tay;'merci~ lclfeVthar- thou:wilt not 'ildpe the oppr~lfea? Bur tlietihe~ meetes'With ou·r excufes, w'hkh ~ce ar~ readie tomake it1 ·fuch cafes :·Alas, I knew not ~hat - hcehad fuch necd -oft:ny he1p·e.:and if_~ : fhouldmed<ile,~ __ might_b~t,"Jg ,an . ~14! pou~ .Vp·on _mine.·owne~ca·d,and trouble n'iY, felte,whe'nI'n~fi~d -not. ~ But hee tuts offall, fayrn·g,Doth 'l~ot Godfe<! thee~and kpow thineheatt?as if' he fhoul<l fay; Well, ·thefe · ~~cufes , -may:dazeH mine ey~s, and .makea faire Oaew', wit,ll · th~m diat'--can .fee ' nothih'g buti {b~~es: ··bu·t~~od ~to·oles flot ·r~ ·mUchtothe tbtJgue,a:ndwhat on-e ·~a·n fayfor1)im(elf~;=but '-hce ponders t'heheart,he doth not fee it Hghtly,butknovves .:andconfiders-cuery·particular thing and drcuinHance, and· :·thereforeit is no ·lhifdngnor doubling whenhee comes to 't~kcntiall Of v:s .- And heknowes,that all thefe excufe s'com'e ~'fr-om felfe~Iotft',9n:cl'dfc .fou·eoflucre and commorlitie~ tHat · ,ot1e nl'1ght' fpare coH"an:d liue at 'eafe,andrather f~e andtber ~pp~eff~d ~ith wrong, then h~zard himfelfe· a~y thing t~ ;: }\_dpehim. And la(l ofall heefatth, You that be~o loath 'to · fu:ffer :a :~Jitde - trouble; and .bet at a lic~te chargc!s:t~t~nc~pe another man in his miferie, l,cnowyounot that <So~tecei~: ·pencet1frnen:. according to rhdr w<:,rkes? that he t~ c:iufeth them to reape lik_e for Hke-_? andmay nor·you come eo1:~e · ·uke miferie your felfe·?and then brcaufe you h~d uo,hearr, · nor:will, to -hdpe another, you 1hall fee others fit as ·qui~t~ ·~.f'· by youJ and llOt Venture tO 111i11ifkr any fuc;coUt'· YlltO :r:·:-.·· you,.