Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. < . .. 277: you.• But now men are come to that felfe-loueand fcnfelef– nelfe o(other mens wrongs, as ift;hey were things done in· afarre cou·ntrie, and in another age; a-s though it nothing pertained ~o them,they .haue nothing t~ d0e wich :them. But,thofe tnat b~of the: better fort; willondy hauc a littl.e idlepitie, and mer'i~ ofthe mouth, in .a few words; ·Alas,! jlm· f.orie, and it is pitie ' ~hat honeil men ihould bec..thu& wronged·: but neuer put to an hand<;,nor flirre a fin– ger to doe any good in their reliefe, neither be at paines nor· Gh:uges to eafe and deliuer the opprdfed. But mo~ ·,nlen: beare this minde-, that _theycould take Qiore paines, and .be; at mbre coil to pull one oftheir owne.beatls ofthe ditch, then · to pull a p.oore wronged Chritlian out o( the ·pawes .ofthe·perfecutor. But [onathstlf was not ofthis minde,.hce ventured hiS! ovvne life to faoe DauidJ, and deliuered him ·eut ef the·hand of Saul his father: .though it feemed,.Djf– '#idonely Jloode bc:tvvixt him.and the Crowne•. AndP~~~ 1~Xin.g,~.,~ .JJnh being the KingsSteward,.when ·0~4b\ ;his Matlerr,ai.:. .... ~ ..- fed an hot .a_nd lhar:pe perfecution,. and w.o.uld hauc flafne - -all the Prophets, and hee ihould,haue efcap.ed . budiardly~. in .likelihood, :if his Ma!ler hgd perc.ciue.d that :hee~ . had liorne\ any falJQtit' .\-;nto them : an:d .thefatn:iu.e was fo great~ that no.brea4 nor)wa.ter almollcould be gQt{;fo; thadt was·n,ot onelY. dangerous,but ex.ceeqing charg~able; to feede ·an hundred ·Prophets.' tlow, whom the King fought ,with all diligence to put, to· death .; y~t (notwithHandit?g. all thefe.dmpedime'nts;J :Iv:,<t;·fioode faithfully. for·God and his Ih~p-l11enS~;~ dnd ~kep~ them .?Jith bread and '.W.ater fuffi~ .cientlyinth.cJ1eate·-~fp-e.tfecudon,and the. middetl offa•_ mine•.R4hab-alfo:{ fo ,foone as .lhee had any fparke of redi.. 1 0fw.21: · gion and the feareofche.trtte God) defended the fpies,and ~hat with the7hazard of herowne-life. For(when the-King . would faine haue gotten them, with purpofe to haue flaine them)lhehid lhetn,and fauedtheirliues; .and by~hat meanes alfo faued her felfe,andher houfehold; and 11ad this– / p.tiuiledge,.~that, afterwards, Chrifl Iefvs:cameofherJLocke and· p~fle£~hie•. ·., ,, , . " ;· . . 1 ~" ~ui ;On·the:c.onttariei moR~aellifu and curfed-·ofall are:· lthofe;~