Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

:' :1.7 • · th~~e, that ~e · fo farre fro.m he~pin·g and ~ucc;ouring 'Gods affltde? Satnts, Ai tha.t they re1oyceat thetr trouble, and rc.– count tt, o.nett) another,as very ioyfull tidingsJ~that makes tbetn r:nerrte,and they put an han~ to ir,and_co their power ·hel~e Jt· Thefe becrudl ~retches,infpire-d with the mahcc ,ofthe dt~ell,and vnlelfe -they·repei1t,fhall bemifera- . ·ble wretches herc~fu:r,pl'agued with the. vengeance ofGod, . as a reward for thefr cruelty. . . · , Shewing The thirdand lall dutie here commanded,is to Chew mer.. . mercyto . . , ~he needy. cy to the needy,that want,accerdtng to our ability~and their .. neceffity. This Chrifl commaundes, Luk. 12.3 3· Sell that yeehaut,an~mak.; 'fiJ/tt /Jagge; th~ttwaxe not old. Where Chrifl exhorting the~ to bee mercifull, mfetes .With a common obie6Hon ·: Indeede I would willingly bellow fomething .vpon ChriA, but alas I hauenothing togiue•.Yet, haueyou n~~hing to fell? ,Neuer a {lrikeofcorne? neuer a parccll of Iana? no houlbould lluffe, that you could fpare for ChrHl? :Ifyouhaue,fell it:, and giue it toChriflaud his members~ E~ uenasawicked .man will rather fell fomething to· ferue his lull, then that bee will haue it vnfatiffied: fbdoe you for -ChriAs fake; let not hirp ,goevnferued,but tbewtharyou loue him, · as well as they loue their lufl;.Oh, but iflfhould fell and giue t)lus 1 I thould bebeggered,. Nay,ChriH willes no man to begger himfelfe, _bu~ make you bagges. This is fuch a treafure,as no other is like it :fornone otherwill mul. · tiply, and yeeld encr~afe lyingby vs; but is ofthat nature, that eithetofit felfe it wil corrupt, and thecanker~ ruLl wil . fet vpon it,&bring it to naught, or elfe the thee emaymeet with it, fo that one is incontinuall danger tobee.poora. But this is fuchakindof creafure, ~s in it fclfe -is eternall and · .growimg,and is fo furely kept, that no man (:30 depriue,vs ~fii:,by force or crafc. And then another benefic there is alfo, Where_you treflfore u·; the:rewillyom"heart he a!fo. This is a goodctfcel, that ifone lay. vp treafure inHeauen, his heart wifl follow it. · ·What is. the re'afon, that many men can come fo hardly andw~th fuch difficulty to fpeake of heauen,.. that ·OflC·may · ~ ~afil y make agreat miU-ftone a!C;~nd vpineo· the· skie, as · .. draw ·.