Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. . Th~fi)tthCltll11Jtt11dtmtnl. 279~ draw their thought~ to heaucn-.ward ?Becaufe their treafure _ is not there, theyhaue fetlt nothingbefore them thither. Worldly men can talkenimbly and readily ofgrounds; ofmoney and bea:fles, and fuch like, becaufe in thcfe they h:me laid vp their treafure: and let a man gowhither he wi'l, -- from theone end ofthe world ~o theother,his heart will .Hi.ll be there where his treafure lies: ofthis hee will talke at his table, in the field as hewalkesJ3.s he lies,euerywhere,andhe· is not weary~The treafurc drawes the heart Ynto· it. But thefe haueneucr laid vppne penny)nheauen, haue repoftd no- . thing inChrifls bofomc, and therefo1·e haue n~ minde t9'·· . thinkeof him :on~ mayfo·oncr pull their hearu·out oftheir :-·:· .. bodies, then put any~ ~pn!lantheauenlym~dication ofGod t"' and the life tocome, into them. But' if.a ·man wowldl:ct his. · chiefewealth ·be whhGod, andlayvp·hisfpedall g~od6 in.~ h_eauen, his chiefe thoughts an~-fpeciall 'd:~4r~s a·nd _medita~ tions would be qCG9d~nd ofllea,.ue_n~: h,ewcutdcaHte , as vvillingly, as co'pthtitly,-an.d:With::as lit~le:tedioufneffe, is .. the moll couetous man fpeakes of his m,6ney and caneH": and nothing iliould he fo ddighcfull tohim~ as to conferre,·· .and medicate ofthings pertaining to the life to ·cqrn_e. And· Prou I 1.17~id»Jaid ,He that u m'ercifull to thepoore,r~war-d.t:-• huownefou!e. As ifh.ehad faid) Eucry man will yeel~, itis a~." ·good thing to bee benefidall to himfelfc·, and do good to · his own~ foulc: but this ~s moll cercaine, that-nothing in the · . wprh~, nq p~r~hafe, nobargaiaJe, fball bring fomuch pt<;>-·· ne to t!J'i fo.u)c:, as am~rCifulUreart, and a liber-all ~1and, t<> . .J.;>.etlow ~ts g9o.d.s, v:pnn poore ChriHians;. the 1incmbers of Chriil: lel~s.: So the Apolll efaith, z. Corinth. 9-· 6. Heeth41 fowes li6erAII.j,_fo..CJ!J.alfo reape !dJerally. It is otherwife in ci~-· matter, then it is iu.Qther men s. hat·ue.Hs : for, let a mt.n "ow. ,neuer(o.goop feed, and ·vfe alldiligence in preparing and' .fitting the' ground, ycc fome cafualtie may !vef:a!l, which , ..will fpoile t-he harudt, and a::man !hall not ham: his feede a-. game• . But·here,it is cenaine J onelliall haue a good· harueH, ne ... t}.ljng.fhall ~i11der this croppe. Ifone fo•IV but a !:Up of cold ·wate_r, fQ.r. ~onfc;j~1ce,andjn louc, i h ~cw n '"pon r\ ,. tit , e US;t