28~ TheftxthCommandement. lefus,he is theground : as inMatth.~ z)·35./wMhungry 41r:d thidtit, .&c. yefed a~1dcloa·;hedmt-e. TbcreforeJ v.nle fl~ wee thinkc: that ChriHwi!l bea barren ground ; ~t is moll c.cr– taine,that hee thlt fcatters feC:de beere~ fball findealaroe ii1.. creafe.Thatwhkh is can abroad ·in me~cy, lhall tetu~e a– .gaine in goodnc{fe: the more good a niari )dotb, the more good he Jl1alLrcceiue ~and that cerrainiy, becaufeGod will rdlore ir.And ·rhere is nothing more ·cffcttd5II to ·contit1ue thegood eAate and profpericy of a familie, then when the · gow;rnourofthe family opens his hand abundantly, withal . ~pJenty pfgoorl vvorkesand mercy. · .. 'Rulesthat . ~ Now.th;tt on.chl'aydolqi~ducy .ofmercy rightly, fo as it · ·~:~h~a~u· maybe pleafiiig\~ttc) Go~, a~1d brin;gcomfonvnto his o~·n tics ofmer•.fotde, theferulesnmfl be obferued. cy¥i&hr. Firft, out of Miclta. ·6.8. Deale iflflly andloHt mercj. I u- .fiice it~ ge.tting,; mtitl be ioyncd with rhercy in beflowing:– that mull be M' ell go:ttcn,that is liber:aUygiuen: or elfe it is .but torob one-togiue~another:to take iffrom the righr ow– ner, towhemGod hathgiuen it, to befiow it on auot.her, whotnwe thinkc goed: As I .Sam.8.chaptcr 1 4• faithof the .~ill Kings, that they would take away.the peoples vineyards, ·.and fields; and oliucs, to .be!low them on their feruants 1 andon whomicpleafed th~m. This is not mercy, nor ~o be accoiited liberality: neither doth it dderue any better name, than theft. As many among vs carenot howvniufHy they get, whotn they pinch, whom they oppreffe, whom they ·wrong : but w.hen the time comes, that they thiukc to fuew their liberalitie, and to let all the worldhaue a tafle of their bountie, then no tnan lhaH hee put backe, but eucrie tnan lhall hauc his fill for a time ; and now they thi.nke the~ haue quittc thernfelues well, and you mull account them vetie libcrall, and bountifull gentlemen. Men mun· Nay, fir(llct them bee iuH, and then theymay be mer.. bfoe iufth be ciful; but till then, all is opprcffiou, robberie, and fpoyre t cy • _ ·c:m bee lmg. ~uer,ifull. An,d many id~e MiniHers that get many bcnefic.rs i~to their hands,-& IJiakethemfelues fat with tPepeoples'blood, whom they fiiruc' & c;"arenotfor fe(ding their foulcs ac any- · time;