2 time; yer,that theymay g~t them a name ofbountifull men, once or twice in theyeerc theywill come to the people, and feaft thc:m,atld great good cheare they muAhaue: thus they robbe their foules to fc:ede their bodies, :and vnder pretence ofhofpicalitieandneighbourhood, they m2keapreyofthe people. But ~hey lhould doe as Zacheus didJirfl'fcf~ore the ill ·gotten goods, a11d then of tbe re!l that was thelrowne,- theymight be mercifull anddoe good: but it is no libcralitie to be lauifl1ofanothermans. Secondly, it muAbedone liberally without grudging0r ~h~arefull · · gtutn~ murmuring: as z.Cor·9·7•Gt~d IFJIItJ achearefullghte~.It ll}Ufi . m• ·• not bee wreHed from vs) but come .willing,Jya11d.freely; qr e1fe the praifc is loftSo Prouerb.3. 37. Wi~hholdnot thegood •..... from the owner thereof. Hee 111akes the ChrHHan neighboar that is in necdfttie,anowner; cmenone thac:tTat.hgooq right and title to ·our goods, accorcHng to our.r~bilhic. For Gocl · harh giuen it vnt? thet~,;md .i't -;~s· their :®~ ;:rahercfqr,c.he~ · · faith,withhold it not.frorl;l fhc;m., .b.ucjg!4~)it; r~adilf,J·· P»t. h.im .·~.~ not ba~k, butlet him fee.chat thou arc glad to do_hh:n g9Gd, ' ' and that it is adelight·tP thy foule to ·he.~pe:'h.i·tn. i-n.his need, So ChriH fa ith, tha.t t_bepoore wiq9owes fanh:ing ;w.~ts q1or~e in Gods ac~o1;1nt; ~hen all .the L~rge .P.~~tipgs ;o~~i~.\l.erJl}.~~.: for they did it moHofth<:m atnoi~iqu!Jt~4~J£ifpnl.c;tl?h~~~J1e§ meritotiouOy)to bincleGod vnto t~cm,and m~k~ - him, ~e,holdingvaco tbem; but ili.e did no.~ lPQ.k~ to ,..4redit: fo.t· ~' was rather adifcredit,tl}at "Whea. alhh~.r~J} COlJl~ f\'i th theif :.great fu ll)tn~s, .fhe Cfltne.s in "'' ith . her1 mi~es~ arhot)g .the ~ reil, neithesidid. H1c tbinke to merit:- ~ny t}ligg ~~ .Go:dshalld., buc defired to,pleafc God. That which f.l"!;~ had, thou.gh it.w~s ... but alittle,f.he gaue very freely zan9 thereforeGod accoun- · ·· ted it,as.a. ve.r~ gr~at,-gift. Therefore we .tnufllQ<:>ke that our .gifts .. be frc§:~ wHI ofter.ings, a,nd come voluntarily, and the~ ·they Jh.aU be:wdtaccepted. , Thirdly, wee rnulllooke to doe good, efpeciaHy to the G,t,. houfc'holdoffaith. Though,a man fho~ld doe good to all ·_. . mankit1d,yct his principal! rrgard fhould bee toChriflians, that where Gods kindndfe appearethmoft, there,his kina- ·ne!femay .~moHexercifcd; and hee n1ufi doe moLl good, . ~ ~m