Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

.. ·i8z • · whereGod hath 'giuenmoll ·good. So Mat.z;. That, which , theydid.topbote Chrillians, ~as ~ accounted as dcmevtno ' nim,and that he paida-s·aoebc··ofh·isownc. . :.•. · Whic~ c.onfiJtes thofe,thatJi(rh~y bellowany thing, bee · fure Chn{hans 0.1all haue Icall : ,bu.t it i~ done (hand.ouer .head) without any reg~rd to .who~ :i.t is ·d~~1e .;·and euery one ihall fare better wtth them·,that! 1\e:t'hat ts·b~~fl.There is a certainehidden malice, an.a a' Jecid!Hnteterati et1imitie to .· good tneo: and tperdore all worl~ly men t'hit;ke that worLl fpent, that is giuen to Gods children.And thus much ofthe ·.thingsforbidden,an~ cem·manlte·d·in thisC~mruandement; . : tbat we'do the one,' ·theknher~, . · 'Hiridran.. ': ·~ Now certairrothing,$ auoidcd, where,.are occafi. ~h~f~~ ons ofthe bteach, and hinde'r the keeping ofit.And the ping of the firll ofthc:fe is pride· ~or;fotnuchpride as there is in-any, fo ·~;:d~~~;. much occafi~n ~ihere ts of~the breach :o' this Commande- . . x mein:For fo;th~'-~olyGhqA fait~,tha~ ·oniy- frompride con... ~rtde. teRtiancQ\nes;·file th~t is ·protlo;,i's a_lway ready to Hi~revp . rOU.IJoiO• '~rife: for h,e Will do W-rongt~ any ;but hewill beadtnonifhcdby iiotie .! Secondly, ~e fo fpend's:and tuinates his etlate, by fertJinthii pr'()ud luA; that he hathnothing to bellowin w9~kcsic)¥-ttte_dW: by· high, he brings'his cllatefo-l&~r,tb~ heJ;un-notaff~rd to- do any: good: he is al:.. wa\es inwant-aridneed, ·tlill filifting, and cafl behind hand, becau:fe: ne is 'tOO laui'lh ih.fpCt:ltiling vpon needletfe·things, ·ro feruehimfelfe.A~lthe 'S?~~mitcs,though they liued in the mqll ridi~hd, :pleriti~uU cotintrymdcr the ,Sunne,.and thaF , Whk~·· was froicfull ofaU eh'creafe, yet they could thewu0 lb.eok.l,. -~~rkeaftnercylno.g?bd that theycould~o:Why? bccauf~ 49• d1ey were pr~u~d, ana thought all tOO httle that came tO thenifdues,~t1d far their ownedelight~~and ~heref~rec.o.uld fpare nothhig·to ttip}1yanothers n.eede.·So 1t isfeene; tha~ many p<;>ore n~r.n _are able~o doe more good; haue ~ ' "'· 3.ay out vpon m-ercy,-theri,. rriany that haue·richreu~n_ewcs. 1 /\nd why?becaufe·thtfe\vith ·rheir reuencweshauc adeuou– ring f-in,and t.hatis pdde, whiCh drinkes them drie; fo th~t th.ty · may~t·ru1y .fay ..,they :patJenothing to giue,Theyare,du. uen to wahts'aiHt n:ece'ffide~;thaHhey· can ncuer ge·t ·before ' · · hand~