Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

· . TheflxthCommandemtnt~ 283 .h:ind, theyhaue it not togiue, and how can theygiue? 'But whyhaue they it not? wh·ofe i~ t~e faulr? Is it :not"therfore, becau'fe-they haue fed thewaAtughumorofpnde? and .that . eats vp-al which they ~fhouldbeftow.onGod>S poo·reSaints? . Therefore,who-euqwould keepc thts Commandeme-nt., Iet him Hriue 2gaintl this fin : for that will make him vn~ble to doe good,and caafe him to b.c as drywood,tominifler lflat- . tet for cucry contention. · · Secon-dly,oeware;ofcouccoufi1e(fe: for a couecous man Co~~etour .. cannot but lxcruelVAs appearcthMi cha.~···~ where fpea- neffe. king.of ;couet~u~ A?~ns ·dealing wit~~heir .poore neig~bor~, he fa~th: They cate thefle/h ofmy p:eople,andflay ~If thctr .rkj_u from-them,a?4dthey break£ theh· hones. itndchop them inpieces. tiiforthepot, and Mjlc/b within.theca!qron. Hcecornpareth · thefe greedy mi nded mennot only to Butchers that plucke offthe hide ofthe poore beaHs, but alfo to Cooks y deuide the fl~(h in pieces~ and 'cut th; aqd (mewes afunder. ' ~~ chaf:is -gi~ien f'? wicked. .couet~u(neffe,care,snot what mif.ciHe.fefals o·ne aoor.he-r,fi> be ri1ay haue lucre. Who-euer fiands '·in the · ~ay betwixt him,and-his gaine, he wHheth his d~atb be afarher,be could r(:ioyce. to fee him laid in hisgraue,that he might haueqis liuings.- Ifa brother, fo b.ec_Jj)ay1 gaine·by.hisdeath, youcan bringhitnnomore welcotni rieyves,then that his brother,-:is dead,.Aiwaies:coue– toufnes drawc~after it a long taile ofcraft andcrudty. Laflly-,ta'Keheed ofriotoufnes,and.drunkennes;for when Ryot. drinke ~sjn)tl}e~it an~ out: then a man is fuchlight fiuffe, ' tha~ ;ph~.rdiuell ,may toffe him a-bout at his pleafure. Firfl,·it h':Jr'ts the body it felfe. s~~ondly, it breedes fhife ProU.23·1.! and contention,rnurmuring,brawling ,and·~ woundswithout caufe._For;~hen theywent go~d friends _(ifdrunkards·can be go~d f~i~nds)to ~heirpots; -al~ \Tpon a .fud~aine, vpon a mad>·humottrin_~ man,kn..owes why,they fafl; t~getherby the eares,and are ready ·to fiab andmifchiefeone another,and two or -three hout:es after_s aske them the"Calife,and they..cannot.tell, but it w~s ·a,m·ad humeur:oft:he-irs. · ,\-:tbirdly,theyfo'fpend themfelues this way1a~ddrinke vp .al t~~ir ~e~1th,as .tbat they haue'no abilitie to doe 11;ny work ·~·; T of