2 s fies) had faid :Thou/halt not comr_nit adu!terie,ext-ending the cornmandement no fut_ther~ then to the ·groffe a6t : and,that theywould not haue men commit, becauk:,it would bring reproch vpon th~ir name, and death \Into their bodie. But ChriA reqt.lirc:s a .~arre great~r puritie, and lhewes, that _the acfulterie-oftoe-heart i.s &dious to God, as wdl as tha( ofthe bodierahd·thac ~ mc:tf tannot -more eafily fee, and perceiue that outward filt hiridfe, then hee doth the inward. For,hce hath pure eyes, that·can abide none iniquitie, and hee fear– cheth the heart -and rc·ines. An vndear:1e heart, therefore, ifh~ng fo~le things ahd medit~ting -vp·on· filthinetf~- , is mo-llhntefull to God. · · · -- .· - : · - ·· I . the- vfe ofthis is, ro condemne thofe, that, when the-yPfo. hdueGods curfeagainH the tranfgrefforsofthis Comman– dement, concernit1g adulcerk, thinke, ifthey hau~ not bro_~ ~en foonh into the·Q-JJtward atl:ion,theyare tree, andout .of · ,. toe gun-fhot :-that pertaines not vnto the~n. Rut let them know, that if they_haue ail ill heart, though· men cannot charge them with the ill aCl,yet God can cHarge them wit~ the euill thought_, and that they are liable toGo~~ ~utfe,as Inward vn• well as thofe that offend o:utwardly•.;Jndeede.there be de~ cJc:_a~netre grees,and the increafe of11n·ne brings the -in~reafe ofiudge~ ~~f~;ed ment: andgrotler·finnrs ·01al1 haue more grieuous plagues: God. but the leall fault ·!s fuffident tocondemne them. And they that will not humble themfdues, nor care for inward motions, will (tfo'c::cafion beeo-ffered) eafify bee-drawne: to the · outward pr-actife. 1 F6r lufi, hauing conceiued, brings foorth Iam.:r·•+ · finne. ·Athi hee that will not rdlraine it in theconception, fhall not be able to hmder ic in rhe birth. -Therefore he that would not haue finne borne, muAnot le~ luft conceiue, but labourearne·£Hy' to kill it in the wombe,as ic were. For howfoeuer thought bee free in refpect of thC' fight; and lawof _ men,yetitis not freefromGod,norfrom hiwaw:whic_h was not ondygiuen to reformeand rule the outward manners, but che foule ;1Ho and all theaffeCtions. . · · Secondly, thisferl;Jeth for thein!lrudiono(thofe, which hauet~usoffended,that they muH repent and craue pardon at Go<!s hailds,and intreate.him ofhismetcy,to kill his lull, - T ~ · and . . .