I-cr.4.1+ Luft . lhould be 1binein the coa. Cfption,. 2 • and towafh: ~way t filthineff'e_oftheir hart; that they may not·only be: freed fro1n thehtdgemet1tofGod due to the lin but alfo mayhinder the birth offo filthie amonller, as wili proceedofthis fo ill aconception. Inother conceptios, it is afoule fault:~after theconception to~akea-ny.thiag,that ma}t ~iod(r the encreafe and. birtha fir. But in this <;QncC.pti<>n,.jc 1s thegreatefl ,venue and fafefl way, to take fu_ch~ a.receiptas ilia! quitekill it,that it may neuer ~ome foorth to light.And this receipt is only to rcpen_t andcraue pardon: f<?r dfe Gqd will brin.g their fecret fin ne to open fhame;aad their inw~rd . . filthie defire,tooutward publikedifgr.ace.. ' . . r : -, The mc:tns N h .- h h d 1·a • : to cleanle ow t e meanes topurge t e ean,an to ~a~<C lt cleane. vs .fromfil. and pure from fuch-filthie affeCtions, is·;-firllto.pray toGod due affc• fi d fll . fi h h d r n "fi. . .b tt.ioos. - o ceu an earne 1 y to pun · et e eart, an ~o l-3n\.l,t.l e 1t ~ . y: 1 his holy fpirit. Then fecon41Y,,to befaithfull and diligent in ~fid~h~1~· 'fotne bon~ll and .lawfull calling, that they may bufie the bearr. hea.r,t vp·on fo1~ething hwfuU ~nd . profitable•.For 'idleneife 111 t ffi js the motherof foule Jufls. As a fianding pool~ (aot ·ha~ bre~~:, c uing any courfe of ru.ntling) growes. filchie ofit felfe.; ~uuJ. - ~!JR. full o(Toad:es .and noifome verrnine : fo the heart that is not taken vp in fome ·g~od and boneR ~qlling, ·is afit place for the diueJl, wherein, to breed'e 'and:epgenger all mon7' . .Llrous and filthie lutls.Idleneffe procures lu<t;nothing more·~ · As, what was the reafon-why the Sodomites grew (o fjlt.hic .: f~ceh.4.r. and vndeane, th;at nf> people cuer were f~ bcaAly?Becauft tj· hauing the m9ft: fruitfull and ,abundant count~ie in the: e.n••l·lO· w·orld'(for it was .like the garden ofGod.l'hat yedded theft\ J , T.empe· ranee in/ . me1.tc. al commodide and profit) they grew rich,and then 1ikef'OQ~ lifhmen,did feu·Ie themfeluesto.nothingelfe,J>ut their eafe and delight. Their nature was no worfe then -others.~. but their idleneffcfo,corrupted their he.art~, ;ts ~he:diuell j bad li.-. bertit tocall in-,aAd they 'eifure to:purfueall -monHrous apd vndcane defir~s .whatfoeuer : .. this was th!! caufe they were fo outragioas. . . , . . . Alfo temperance in meate .and drinkf',. watching andfa~ iling,as need ·d-oth req~ire,and .as our Gr~ngth maybeare·: Thefe meanes (byGoc.!s bleffiag) will flay thefe. lufis,and.· emRtY.theheart offuch ill dtfites,&.p·referue our foules ~~1d :' • . boQ.jes:~ .